Friday, November 11, 2011

Single Payer for All

Health care reform was really health insurance reform. The US has five systems in health: government run (British/Military), single payer (Canada/Medicaid/Medicare), employer provided, (Germany/employers), buy your own (Switzerland/Blue Cross et), or use the hospital or Urgent care on your own. All can be good on their own with more regulations like everyone is in the system-all people have to be part of the system. No limits to coverage or services, no prexisting conditions or denial of service allowed.

The best is single payer. We have experience using with Medicare and it works. WHile costs are going up, the system is for the most expensive patients that use the system and are living longer. In 1960's the elderly were living shorter lives so this system has worked-people getting care and living longer-yeah.. Now everyone can use it and costs will be spread out. You use your own doctor, hospital. You will have service. Canada pays less than US and has better service. We aviod long lines or wait times by cutting people out. This is not good solution. This sytem will save money and lives. Good for the economy and people.

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