Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Corporations are NOT people

Mitt Rommney has it wrong saying that corporations are people. Yes people run corporations and involved but their structure and organization is like a unit. Laws giving corporations rights, benefits but no responsibility. If a corporation breaks a law there is no jail, a fine maybe but not significant. Corporations do not do jury duty, military service or in many cases public service. They do not help people build a home, make something for a person. Corporations have the right to be sued and sue in court, buy and sell property. These are not bad things but they add to the idea that corporations are people. Corporations do not have souls, have a heart, or have a conscience. We need to get money out of politics and not allow corporations buy elections, buy politicans or issues. We need to control corporations, change the rules and laws. If a corporation has to lose its charter, so be it. Take our country back. We need to be a country of laws, of people, and reject corporate power.

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