Saturday, November 12, 2011

AZ ranking and Education

Arizona, a Republican state, that supports vouchers, school choice is one of the worst states in education. Arizona seems to be trying to do the Republican idea of destroying education so much it must be privatized. The goal of Republicans are to private the school system like social security, the military and all government run health care.

How good is Arizona? The odds of a Freshman making it through high school and going to college and graduating is 9 out of 100. Arizona ranks 45 in
number of students going to college. In many years we fight with Mississippi for worst ranking in education.

Our educational record is proof vouchers and school choice hurt education. Our State is proof that reducing money to education, it does not perform well. Money does not equal performance, but when we spend 48-50th in education spending, the lack of funding is seen in our performance. Arizona's ideas on immersion of spanish speaking students will teach these students a new language but they will not help the student in the subject matter. Arizona is wrong on education. Things need to change.

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