Sunday, November 13, 2011

Republican Talking Points Wrong

It should be noted if a Fox News personality, a Republican GOP member, member of Congress, GOP officeholder makes a statement, it is incorrect. Is it a lie? Does it make a difference, the intent is to mislead the public. From the War in Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, to Uncertainty is hurting jobs, to tax cuts stimulate growth, the debt is hurting the country. On and on and on any talking point for the Republicans is one for the 1% and corporations. I have not seen any talking point which is based on reality and facts. Climate change and unions, each statement is wrong. The Republicans are good at propaganda and misleading the public. What we need to know is that every statement thay make is wrong. Make them prove it with actual facts. They must provide the facts before another word is said, another statement is made. Then Fox News would be silent or just covering Hollywood.

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