Friday, November 18, 2011

New Mission-Remove Money From Politics

My new mission is to work on the effort to remove money from politics. Any solution to help this country has to start here. If there is to be Wall Street Reform, Banking Regulations or Reform like Glass-Stegal, health care reform plus all of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, there must be election reform. We need Corporations to be realed in and regulated as they are the dominate organization in this country and way too powerful. Election reform and getting money out of politics is the only way to do this. This has to be done.

The goal has to be public financing of elections. With money out of elections, the lobbyists power is reduced. Politicans are free to vote according to voter will not business or lobbyist will. There can be no meaningful change from the right or left without taking money from politics. We need our leaders, our politicans, our elected officals back-representing voters, citizens and this country. We MUST act now.

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