Thoughts on politics, government, elections and current events. Ideas to bring in conversation and discussion.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Senate Vote on Terrorism
President Obama has to veto the bill that the Senate passed if it gets to him. It breaks the 5th amendment, 14th amendment, the idea of innocent until proven guilty, right to fair trail, writ of habeus corpus and knowing the charges against you. Fighting terrorism is important but not by losing our Bill of Rights. Having detention camps with people with no trials is unAmerican. We have to fight this bill. How can anyone be for this bill? It is insane. Teaching students about due process and then talking about this in the students thought we were crazy-Congress is on this one.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Different Universes
Democrats and Republicans have such different world views. Reading papers from students show such different persectives.
One side wants small government, little government interference, low taxes, no regulations and believes people will do right. They believe people will not make mistakes, discriminate or hurt people. One side thinks business will always do right and help people. This side says there is no climate change, the environment is fine and abortion should be illegal. Gays should not marry and the military should be used even more.
The other side believes in climate change and that people can make their own decisions on abortion and that gays should marry. The military is used too much. They want regulations, higher taxes for the rich, more regulations to stop abuses. People do wrong and government has to enforce laws to make sure people are stopped from doing wrong. Corporations do not work for people but can hurt people.
Pick an issue, both sides are opposite and do not want to compromise. Compromise is a dirty word. People get into fights and call names over these issues. People threaten each other over these things.
Are we at the point where we cannot get along? Should we think of dividing the country? Will I ever agree with people from the South? Will people in the Midwest ever agree with the Northeast? We are so different, maybe it is time for the ulitmate States rights-divide up the country or let states secede.
What do you think?
One side wants small government, little government interference, low taxes, no regulations and believes people will do right. They believe people will not make mistakes, discriminate or hurt people. One side thinks business will always do right and help people. This side says there is no climate change, the environment is fine and abortion should be illegal. Gays should not marry and the military should be used even more.
The other side believes in climate change and that people can make their own decisions on abortion and that gays should marry. The military is used too much. They want regulations, higher taxes for the rich, more regulations to stop abuses. People do wrong and government has to enforce laws to make sure people are stopped from doing wrong. Corporations do not work for people but can hurt people.
Pick an issue, both sides are opposite and do not want to compromise. Compromise is a dirty word. People get into fights and call names over these issues. People threaten each other over these things.
Are we at the point where we cannot get along? Should we think of dividing the country? Will I ever agree with people from the South? Will people in the Midwest ever agree with the Northeast? We are so different, maybe it is time for the ulitmate States rights-divide up the country or let states secede.
What do you think?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Vote with where you Shop
Vote with your money. Stay away from large department stores, large retailers and large companies. I know it is very difficult to do, but we consciously need to make good choices. Going to Del Taco on Thanksgiving, on a drive to Tempe, I asked the worker if he was paid extra for working on Thanksgiving. The answer was no. They do not get any overtime pay. This is a crime. I bet others, the same is true. We need to support local businesses that pay better, are local people that support local programs. Local farms, local stores must be our answer. We need to go to local/small fast food places, mom and pop stores and buy locally. We all benefit when we do. The Black Friday deals with large retailers need to be avoided. Send a message. Vote with your decisions and money.
Ideas for Occupy Wall Street
Taken from Michael Moore's website and great ideas. What are others ideas? Thoughts.
10 Things We Want
A Proposal for Occupy Wall Street
Submitted by Michael Moore
1. Eradicate the Bush tax cuts for the rich and institute new taxes on the wealthiest Americans and on corporations, including a tax on all trading on Wall Street (where they currently pay 0%).
2. Assess a penalty tax on any corporation that moves American jobs to other countries when that company is already making profits in America. Our jobs are the most important national treasure and they cannot be removed from the country simply because someone wants to make more money.
3. Require that all Americans pay the same Social Security tax on all of their earnings (normally, the middle class pays about 6% of their income to Social Security; someone making $1 million a year pays about 0.6% (or 90% less than the average person). This law would simply make the rich pay what everyone else pays.
4. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, placing serious regulations on how business is conducted by Wall Street and the banks.
5. Investigate the Crash of 2008, and bring to justice those who committed any crimes.
6. Reorder our nation's spending priorities (including the ending of all foreign wars and their cost of over $2 billion a week). This will re-open libraries, reinstate band and art and civics classes in our schools, fix our roads and bridges and infrastructure, wire the entire country for 21st century internet, and support scientific research that improves our lives.
7. Join the rest of the free world and create a single-payer, free and universal health care system that covers all Americans all of the time.
8. Immediately reduce carbon emissions that are destroying the planet and discover ways to live without the oil that will be depleted and gone by the end of this century.
9. Require corporations with more than 10,000 employees to restructure their board of directors so that 50% of its members are elected by the company’s workers. We can never have a real democracy as long as most people have no say in what happens at the place they spend most of their time: their job. (For any U.S. businesspeople freaking out at this idea because you think workers can't run a successful company: Germany has a law like this and it has helped to make Germany the world’s leading manufacturing exporter.)
10. We, the people, must pass three constitutional amendments that will go a long way toward fixing the core problems we now have. These include:
a) A constitutional amendment that fixes our broken electoral system by 1) completely removing campaign contributions from the political process; 2) requiring all elections to be publicly financed; 3) moving election day to the weekend to increase voter turnout; 4) making all Americans registered voters at the moment of their birth; 5) banning computerized voting and requiring that all elections take place on paper ballots.
b) A constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and do not have the constitutional rights of citizens. This amendment should also state that the interests of the general public and society must always come before the interests of corporations.
c) A constitutional amendment that will act as a "second bill of rights" as proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt: that every American has a human right to employment, to health care, to a free and full education, to breathe clean air, drink clean water and eat safe food, and to be cared for with dignity and respect in their old age.
10 Things We Want
A Proposal for Occupy Wall Street
Submitted by Michael Moore
1. Eradicate the Bush tax cuts for the rich and institute new taxes on the wealthiest Americans and on corporations, including a tax on all trading on Wall Street (where they currently pay 0%).
2. Assess a penalty tax on any corporation that moves American jobs to other countries when that company is already making profits in America. Our jobs are the most important national treasure and they cannot be removed from the country simply because someone wants to make more money.
3. Require that all Americans pay the same Social Security tax on all of their earnings (normally, the middle class pays about 6% of their income to Social Security; someone making $1 million a year pays about 0.6% (or 90% less than the average person). This law would simply make the rich pay what everyone else pays.
4. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, placing serious regulations on how business is conducted by Wall Street and the banks.
5. Investigate the Crash of 2008, and bring to justice those who committed any crimes.
6. Reorder our nation's spending priorities (including the ending of all foreign wars and their cost of over $2 billion a week). This will re-open libraries, reinstate band and art and civics classes in our schools, fix our roads and bridges and infrastructure, wire the entire country for 21st century internet, and support scientific research that improves our lives.
7. Join the rest of the free world and create a single-payer, free and universal health care system that covers all Americans all of the time.
8. Immediately reduce carbon emissions that are destroying the planet and discover ways to live without the oil that will be depleted and gone by the end of this century.
9. Require corporations with more than 10,000 employees to restructure their board of directors so that 50% of its members are elected by the company’s workers. We can never have a real democracy as long as most people have no say in what happens at the place they spend most of their time: their job. (For any U.S. businesspeople freaking out at this idea because you think workers can't run a successful company: Germany has a law like this and it has helped to make Germany the world’s leading manufacturing exporter.)
10. We, the people, must pass three constitutional amendments that will go a long way toward fixing the core problems we now have. These include:
a) A constitutional amendment that fixes our broken electoral system by 1) completely removing campaign contributions from the political process; 2) requiring all elections to be publicly financed; 3) moving election day to the weekend to increase voter turnout; 4) making all Americans registered voters at the moment of their birth; 5) banning computerized voting and requiring that all elections take place on paper ballots.
b) A constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and do not have the constitutional rights of citizens. This amendment should also state that the interests of the general public and society must always come before the interests of corporations.
c) A constitutional amendment that will act as a "second bill of rights" as proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt: that every American has a human right to employment, to health care, to a free and full education, to breathe clean air, drink clean water and eat safe food, and to be cared for with dignity and respect in their old age.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I am thankful for a wonderful family. I am thankful for my wonderful wife Angel and our two beautful children, Chase and Evan. I am so thankful for parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and all my near and extended families.
I am thinkful for my health and that my family is healthy without any major issues this year. I am so appreciative that I have two wonderful jobs, SUSD and Progressive that allows me to make a living. I am thankful for my students and what they teach me daily. I am thankful for my co-workers and bosses and people at work that keep me occupied and entertained. I am very thankful that we have money in the bank, can pay our bills and have things to take care of our lives.
I am happy that we have Path and DC, Roxy, Crystal and Lakai (spelling off, my ask Evan). I am thankful for my condominium, cars and living area.
I am thankful for living in the United States as we are blessed with my joys and freedoms. The freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, to have a job, to make money and so much more.
I count my blessings every day but this holiday makes me see it more. I am blessed in this world. At 51, I have so much. I am thankful for anyone that listens to me, talks to me and hears me. Bless you all. With Love.
I am thinkful for my health and that my family is healthy without any major issues this year. I am so appreciative that I have two wonderful jobs, SUSD and Progressive that allows me to make a living. I am thankful for my students and what they teach me daily. I am thankful for my co-workers and bosses and people at work that keep me occupied and entertained. I am very thankful that we have money in the bank, can pay our bills and have things to take care of our lives.
I am happy that we have Path and DC, Roxy, Crystal and Lakai (spelling off, my ask Evan). I am thankful for my condominium, cars and living area.
I am thankful for living in the United States as we are blessed with my joys and freedoms. The freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, to have a job, to make money and so much more.
I count my blessings every day but this holiday makes me see it more. I am blessed in this world. At 51, I have so much. I am thankful for anyone that listens to me, talks to me and hears me. Bless you all. With Love.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Corporations are NOT people
Mitt Rommney has it wrong saying that corporations are people. Yes people run corporations and involved but their structure and organization is like a unit. Laws giving corporations rights, benefits but no responsibility. If a corporation breaks a law there is no jail, a fine maybe but not significant. Corporations do not do jury duty, military service or in many cases public service. They do not help people build a home, make something for a person. Corporations have the right to be sued and sue in court, buy and sell property. These are not bad things but they add to the idea that corporations are people. Corporations do not have souls, have a heart, or have a conscience. We need to get money out of politics and not allow corporations buy elections, buy politicans or issues. We need to control corporations, change the rules and laws. If a corporation has to lose its charter, so be it. Take our country back. We need to be a country of laws, of people, and reject corporate power.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Rep. Deutch Introduces OCCUPIED Constitutional Amendment To Ban Corporate Money In Politics
Rep. Deutch Introduces OCCUPIED Constitutional Amendment To Ban Corporate Money In Politics: pIn one of the greatest signs yet that the 99 Percenters are having an impact, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, today introduced an amendment that would ban corporate money in politics and end corporate personhood once and for all. Deutch’s amendment, called the Outlawing Corporate Cash Undermining the Public [...]/p
Ideas for Election Reform-add to the list
What are the best ideas for election reform in the US? Limits to contributions to $100 with no contributions by corporations, trade unions or non profits including churches. Tight regulations on lobbyists with any bribes or breaking of regulations requiring jail time. Limits on spending for each campaign. Public funding of campaingns or with public providing campaigns support. Limit of campaign time to 8 weeks. Free television time for participants in election, free space for newspapers, magazines and online. The partipants should have equal access and time. No third party advertising with eliminating PACS and interest group advertising.
Are there any others? What limlits would be best? Thoughts on real regulations and getting money out of politics. We need our government back and responsive to people and not corporations or lobbyists. Comment or email.
Are there any others? What limlits would be best? Thoughts on real regulations and getting money out of politics. We need our government back and responsive to people and not corporations or lobbyists. Comment or email.
Friday, November 18, 2011
New Mission-Remove Money From Politics
My new mission is to work on the effort to remove money from politics. Any solution to help this country has to start here. If there is to be Wall Street Reform, Banking Regulations or Reform like Glass-Stegal, health care reform plus all of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, there must be election reform. We need Corporations to be realed in and regulated as they are the dominate organization in this country and way too powerful. Election reform and getting money out of politics is the only way to do this. This has to be done.
The goal has to be public financing of elections. With money out of elections, the lobbyists power is reduced. Politicans are free to vote according to voter will not business or lobbyist will. There can be no meaningful change from the right or left without taking money from politics. We need our leaders, our politicans, our elected officals back-representing voters, citizens and this country. We MUST act now.
The goal has to be public financing of elections. With money out of elections, the lobbyists power is reduced. Politicans are free to vote according to voter will not business or lobbyist will. There can be no meaningful change from the right or left without taking money from politics. We need our leaders, our politicans, our elected officals back-representing voters, citizens and this country. We MUST act now.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Should students use phones in the classroom?
The big debate in schools is should students use technology in the classroom? I have meetings monthly on the problems of students texting, playing games in the class and not being on task. Should a student bring their laptop, Ipad or other technology to the class? The goal of the school is learning. I want my students to learn the concepts and have skills to succeed in the workplace. I want my students successful in college. How can technology be used as a positive force in the classroom?
I have my students use their phones as a calculator, for research looking up economic statistics and notes online. I have students answer text polls with other people. I will be giving students apps for android to use in the classroom: edmodo, diigo, and sites from NCEE. I want students to use their phones to take pictures of notes, assignments and what is done in class. The next step is to have students use their phone pictures in class. To have them discuss and use the information that they have.
I want my students to use twitter and blogs in the classroom. They will use outside of the class but inside the class can work wonders. Having students collect and find information on topics and sharing the information will help all students.
I am learning to use more technology in the class. I am engaging students in personal finance and politics and technology can help in many ways.
Any comments or thoughts?
I have my students use their phones as a calculator, for research looking up economic statistics and notes online. I have students answer text polls with other people. I will be giving students apps for android to use in the classroom: edmodo, diigo, and sites from NCEE. I want students to use their phones to take pictures of notes, assignments and what is done in class. The next step is to have students use their phone pictures in class. To have them discuss and use the information that they have.
I want my students to use twitter and blogs in the classroom. They will use outside of the class but inside the class can work wonders. Having students collect and find information on topics and sharing the information will help all students.
I am learning to use more technology in the class. I am engaging students in personal finance and politics and technology can help in many ways.
Any comments or thoughts?
Republican Talking Points Wrong
It should be noted if a Fox News personality, a Republican GOP member, member of Congress, GOP officeholder makes a statement, it is incorrect. Is it a lie? Does it make a difference, the intent is to mislead the public. From the War in Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, to Uncertainty is hurting jobs, to tax cuts stimulate growth, the debt is hurting the country. On and on and on any talking point for the Republicans is one for the 1% and corporations. I have not seen any talking point which is based on reality and facts. Climate change and unions, each statement is wrong. The Republicans are good at propaganda and misleading the public. What we need to know is that every statement thay make is wrong. Make them prove it with actual facts. They must provide the facts before another word is said, another statement is made. Then Fox News would be silent or just covering Hollywood.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Why do Republicans love torture?
Why the love affair with torture? From Cheney, Bush, McCain, now Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann. All Republican leaders endorse waterboarding and torture. Yes, waterboarding is torture so if you are for the enhanced techniques, that is code for torture. Why?
Torture does not work. George Washington was wrong? Dwight D Eisenhower was wrong? Current Generals like Colin Powell are wrong? Really? It does not work, and if it did, why did we torture Sheik Kaleid Mohammend 275 times in 1 month? Wouldn't it make sense one time would work? In our interrogations we have prisoners admit they were Osama bin Laden...that was successful.
Can anyone tell me why you are for torture? There is no rational, reasonable reason except you do it for pleasure.
Torture does not work. George Washington was wrong? Dwight D Eisenhower was wrong? Current Generals like Colin Powell are wrong? Really? It does not work, and if it did, why did we torture Sheik Kaleid Mohammend 275 times in 1 month? Wouldn't it make sense one time would work? In our interrogations we have prisoners admit they were Osama bin Laden...that was successful.
Can anyone tell me why you are for torture? There is no rational, reasonable reason except you do it for pleasure.
AZ ranking and Education
Arizona, a Republican state, that supports vouchers, school choice is one of the worst states in education. Arizona seems to be trying to do the Republican idea of destroying education so much it must be privatized. The goal of Republicans are to private the school system like social security, the military and all government run health care.
How good is Arizona? The odds of a Freshman making it through high school and going to college and graduating is 9 out of 100. Arizona ranks 45 in
number of students going to college. In many years we fight with Mississippi for worst ranking in education.
Our educational record is proof vouchers and school choice hurt education. Our State is proof that reducing money to education, it does not perform well. Money does not equal performance, but when we spend 48-50th in education spending, the lack of funding is seen in our performance. Arizona's ideas on immersion of spanish speaking students will teach these students a new language but they will not help the student in the subject matter. Arizona is wrong on education. Things need to change.
How good is Arizona? The odds of a Freshman making it through high school and going to college and graduating is 9 out of 100. Arizona ranks 45 in
number of students going to college. In many years we fight with Mississippi for worst ranking in education.
Our educational record is proof vouchers and school choice hurt education. Our State is proof that reducing money to education, it does not perform well. Money does not equal performance, but when we spend 48-50th in education spending, the lack of funding is seen in our performance. Arizona's ideas on immersion of spanish speaking students will teach these students a new language but they will not help the student in the subject matter. Arizona is wrong on education. Things need to change.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Single Payer for All
Health care reform was really health insurance reform. The US has five systems in health: government run (British/Military), single payer (Canada/Medicaid/Medicare), employer provided, (Germany/employers), buy your own (Switzerland/Blue Cross et), or use the hospital or Urgent care on your own. All can be good on their own with more regulations like everyone is in the system-all people have to be part of the system. No limits to coverage or services, no prexisting conditions or denial of service allowed.
The best is single payer. We have experience using with Medicare and it works. WHile costs are going up, the system is for the most expensive patients that use the system and are living longer. In 1960's the elderly were living shorter lives so this system has worked-people getting care and living longer-yeah.. Now everyone can use it and costs will be spread out. You use your own doctor, hospital. You will have service. Canada pays less than US and has better service. We aviod long lines or wait times by cutting people out. This is not good solution. This sytem will save money and lives. Good for the economy and people.
The best is single payer. We have experience using with Medicare and it works. WHile costs are going up, the system is for the most expensive patients that use the system and are living longer. In 1960's the elderly were living shorter lives so this system has worked-people getting care and living longer-yeah.. Now everyone can use it and costs will be spread out. You use your own doctor, hospital. You will have service. Canada pays less than US and has better service. We aviod long lines or wait times by cutting people out. This is not good solution. This sytem will save money and lives. Good for the economy and people.
Note taking in the classroom
What should be done with notes? Do students turn them in? Taking pictures is the newest method. If I want a student to study they need notes. The phone works, but should I collect the notes? Jigsaw with notes? Are pencil and paper notes finished?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Why do people defend those against them?
Why are people defending corporations that move jobs overseas or reduce your pay or lower your benefits? Why do people defend the rich that have stolen money from pension funds, 401k plans and lost trillions? Why do people defend those that will never help them, care for them, or even think about them? It makes no sense. We have millions of people that are defending healthcare companies, Walmart, "the rich" or just the 1% and the 1% have shown time and time again they could care less about you. You lost your job well it was your fault. It makes no sense.
We need to begin to change our ways. Moving money to Credit Unions is a start. Boycotting companies, protesting, and most of all do not purchase products from companies like Walmart, GE, Exxon, Bank of America and others that hurt our country and our people.
We need to begin to change our ways. Moving money to Credit Unions is a start. Boycotting companies, protesting, and most of all do not purchase products from companies like Walmart, GE, Exxon, Bank of America and others that hurt our country and our people.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Technology in the Classroom
I use a smart board, webpage, sound system and blogs. I have students use my website for grades, announcements, blogs, calendar, notes, etc. Will Skype help? Youtube? Facebook groups? Are these worth using in class? Students do not use Twitter with me. What works? How to get students to study and use technology. Suggestions?
Do people count?
Libertarians are just so different. They want freedom, the right to live and have no government. No FEMA, no military, and as Ron Paul wants $1 trillion cut from the government. We are going back to the 1800's when we had slavery. Not a large leap mind you. Rand Paul, his son said that Civil Rights legislation was wrong, and Congress overstepped their boundaries. No matter that the necesary and proper clause allows it and when Rand states business would never discriminate against blacks, since they would lose customers. How can he say that when history proves him totally wrong-Jim Crow laws and slavery prove him wrong. Cutting a Trillion dollars? A student said this and said it would be great! What about people? Cut health care for people? Does any libertarian know they will die or get sick or cost us more money? What insurance company would insure a 70 year old with cancer, or any other illness? NONE. Just destroy the economy by cutting $1 Trillion. What business? What sales? What will people do? Ron Paul says we need a strong dollar. The dollar is more important than people? Fringe is not the word for libertarian. Dumbfounded? Let people die, get sick. Ron Paul says your neighbors will help you? When? You are working 3 jobs and living paycheck to pay check. When can you help? I want these priviledged people to live on an income at Walmart and have no connections and no help from anybody. Live life as an immigrant Mexican-see how that works?
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Government is Us
The narrative in the US is that the government is evil, incompetent, horrible. There are people that feel that the government watches you and follows you and takes your freedom. We are the government. I am a teacher. The government. My neighbors are police, firefighters, the government. My relatives are in the military, the government. I have friends that work in the post office, the DMV, all government. Why the hate? Why think your friends and neighbors are this horrible mess of humanity?
Let's not forget our success stories. The government planned and executed wins during World War I and II. The government made the goal and executed our mission to the Moon. The government has reduced poverty when it was a goal. We had the post office deliver mail two times a day. The government provides health care to seniors when NO company would do this. Social Security is a success story. Glass Stegal was a perfect regulation that stopped bank failures. The list can go on.
Does government make mistakes? Yes, people make mistakes. People are not perfect. Our government can change. We can change. We have power as we are the government.
Let's not forget our success stories. The government planned and executed wins during World War I and II. The government made the goal and executed our mission to the Moon. The government has reduced poverty when it was a goal. We had the post office deliver mail two times a day. The government provides health care to seniors when NO company would do this. Social Security is a success story. Glass Stegal was a perfect regulation that stopped bank failures. The list can go on.
Does government make mistakes? Yes, people make mistakes. People are not perfect. Our government can change. We can change. We have power as we are the government.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tax The Rich
I keep hearing, "The rich worked for the money and will stop", "It is punishing the rich for being successful." There are so many quotes people buy into-the poor are lazy, the rich successful and why hurt the job creators. On and on, the falsehoods keep going. A flat tax while easy will make the poor and middle class pay more in taxes and reduce taxes on the rich. We keep redistributing income-now it is upward from the poor to the rich. 275% increase in income for the top 1%. The tax cuts are increasing the debt, transferring wealth to the rich and hurting jobs and the poor. The answer, tax the rich..Next up...why the rich get the benefits of the government.
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