Friday, December 28, 2012

There is NEVER a Need for a Gun

There is never a need to have a gun, own a gun or use a gun. Guns are used to kill people either accidently, or in fight or rage. Arguments to have guns are self defense, stop mass killings, protection, a right? Is there any? Notice I said self defense in a few ways but they are the same. A person breaks into your house and you have a gun. Are you at risk? No, normally the buglar wants property and will leave. If you confront the buglar, someone will be shot. If no gun is available no one will get shot-you might lose property but life will go on. Rarely are there cases where a person has a gun and uses it in self defense. Normally, there is an altercation, a fight and two people do not talk, they fight and use guns to sovlve the argument and one person gets shot. Is this self defense, no it is a gun fight. Prevent mass killings? Like the armed police at Columbine? Did that help? Having people armed means more people getting shot and normally more innocent people. Imagine someone armed was shooting in the movie theatre in Colorado? More people could have been shot. Are citizens good aim? Are the police? More guns mean more shots and more people being killed or hurt. Guns kill people and that is their purpose. Handguns, Ak-47s and thousands of other guns, the primary purpose is to kill people and there is no good reason to kill. As one that follows Buddhism but I will quote the Bible: "Thou shalt not kill". This quote does not have a comma and say, thou shalt not kill in self defense. It does not say thou shalt not kill to protect yourself, it says thou shall not kill. Period.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Restrict Guns NOW

Guns are part of America and in our Constitution. The second amendment is poorly written and has two parts, talking about a well-regulated militia and the right of people to bear arms. The founders believed the Constitution should be amended, changed and updated to follow the times. There is the elastic clause or necessary and proper and the amending process. both of these allow the Constitution and laws to change and grow in this country. While many of my liberal friends would love to see all guns go away, I believe we need to restrict guns and ammo. Since the shooting at Sandy Hook, there have been over 100 deaths by guns and most are not on the news. Guns have killed firefighters, an 11 year old and 6 year old. Guns are destroying our cities, our rural areas and suburbs. We need to do something and soon. Now is the time to debate, to talk and see what type of nation the US is and what we want to be. Get rid of all semi-automatic and automatic guns. There is no need to have these weapons in our homes. We do not need drums of ammunition hooked up to guns to kill without reloading. We do not need weapons that are only used to kill people, quickly in military fashion. Gun advocates will say this weapon is not military grade or people lie about the gun. Then, look at the advertisement of guns and see what the gun manufacturers say about them. What does the advertisement say? If the ad states the gun is military grade or for police, then the weapon should be banned. We need to buy back guns and have a program to get these guns out of homes. The handgun is killing our children in cities. It is designed to be concealed and it is used to kill people in cities. It causes so much trouble and the only purpose is to kill people. I do not see deer hunters using semiautomatic weapons or handguns. Does this mean the killing will stop? No, it means it will be harder to get a gun to kill someone. It means that mabye one life or more will be saved. In countries, states and cities that have tough gun restrictions, see less killings occur. Saving one life is worth a tougher law on guns.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thank god for taxes

Such a great article. Government employee like firefighters, teachers, police are heroes. This story is heartwarming. It would be awful if it was like the person in Kentucky that watched their house burn down because they did not pay a fire house fee. Firefighting is part of the Commons.

Thank god for taxes

Stop Privatization of the Country

The idea of competition and business can solve our problems in the US is totally false. Business and competition work in private companies like candy, food, toys and other things. To have the benefits of competition the government needs to regulate the market place to make sure there is no market collusion, oligopolies or monopolies. To have the benefits of free enterprise we need lots of small companies competing against each other. The benefit of competition are low prices, better quality and more innovation. One does not get these benefits with market concentration, few large companies and monopolies. Republicans are trying to take the market place to schools, police, military, prisons and the commons. Business will make things worse and cause more issues. In prisons, with the profit motive there will be more people in prison, more people will serve more time. In terms of tickets, if the profit motive is there, there will be more cameras, more tickets, more arrests. Profits will cause more corruption with judges, lawyers, police that will get the incentive to make decisions based upon money, not law. In education, schools will be paid by customers and if a student fails, they will not get paid. It is seen in the University of Phoenix and private schools for degrees. They are diploma factories where people just take a class and get automatic A grade. The courses are easier and easier, if they are hard, they don't get paid. You have hard core sales and lying to get people to sign up for the school. In K--12 the same will happen with more private schools. Teachers will be paid less, decisions made upon profits not education. Education decisions need to have children at the forefront and profit cannot be the central issue. Police have to be public employees. Private police can have more arrests and more issues. If police are paid by private companies, they will be paid less with bonuses for arrests. We need the law followed. Profit cannot dictate law. If police have incentives for arrests, tickets and percentage going to jail, this will be the dominating factor in dealing with people. The Post Office needs to be alive and survive. We cannot get rid of the Post Office and just have FEDEX or UPS. We need the mail delivered to every person, every day no matter where they live. While I understand we have email and the Internet. The Post Office is profitable and has been making money. The Post Office has turned operations around and service is good. Profit is not the issue. Profits are not the goal of Post Office but delivery of mail is the issue. The library, the Military, parks and the commons must be held by the Public. We cannot turn over the Commons to private companies. Private companies and profit have their place. This is not anti capitalism, but that the Commons are for everyone not companies. We must end the privatization of the country. We need to reverse the trend. We need to move forward and help the Commons.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why Would Any Republican Vote for Romney?

Mitt Romney is the Republican candidate for President. Most Republicans in the South and areas are regular, lower class working people. Now yes, many are CEO's and business people but the Republicans I know are just regular workers and people. They have nothing in common with Romney and why would they vote for him? It makes no sense what so ever that any working or middle class person would vote for Romeny. 1) Obama is a Christian, Romney is not-Morman is not Christian in any way..might not matter but true 2) Obama had student loans to pay for college-Romney's parents paid all expenses 3) Obama born and raised by single mother and had food stamps and government help-Romney's Dad Executive of AMC Motors and Governor of Michigan 4) Obama's family, wife's family are middle class hard working people with regular jobs and issues-Romney's family never had to worry about money, jobs or income 5) Obama has been in public service helping others as community organizer or in government. Romney has been destroying jobs, outsourcing jobs and making money. 6) Obama pays taxes and files taxes. While rich, Obama has all money in US. Romney has Swiss Bank accounts, Blind Trusts, hidden accounts in the Caymans 7) Obama cares for people and wants to make lives better. He reads letters and has given money to people. Romney's goal is to be President only and will do anything to be President. Why would anyone want to vote for Romney? He does not represent ANYONE but the super rich. He laughs about firing people, he outsources jobs and is proud of it. He will lie about his record, beliefs and feelings. He makes John Kerry look like GW Bush in his rock solid beliefs. Why would any Republican vote for a person that is so out of touch?

STUDY: Obamacare Will Help The 43 Percent Of Women Who Skipped Health Care Because Of High Costs

STUDY: Obamacare Will Help The 43 Percent Of Women Who Skipped Health Care Because Of High Costs: pWomen tend to have higher medical expenses and lower incomes, leading them to often forego expensive medical needs that might be a drain on their insurance policies. A new study from the Commonwealth Fund reveals that 18.7 million women in the United States between the ages of 19 and 64 were uninsured in 2010. That’s [...]/p

Alabama Judge Rebukes Private Correctional Company For Running ‘Debtors Prison’

Alabama Judge Rebukes Private Correctional Company For Running ‘Debtors Prison’


Be honest in all you say or do. Do not lie to yourself, friends or anyone. Your word is your being, your life. Do not expect people to lie to you, expect the truth. Politicans should be honest, ministers and business owners. To trust someone, share and give. Allow the truth. Accept the truth. We are better.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare

10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare

Supreme Court Decision Looms

The biggest issue about the ACA is how political is the Supreme Court? Is the Court just a part of the Republican Party? Is Clarence Thomas independent? The individual mandate is totally constitutional just as is social security taxes, the draft, registering with Selective Service, mandates for car insurance and more. Precedent has been set and this is really a non issue. If the Court strikes it down we are in the 1920's or 1890's. The Court will set the country back 80 or more years. The Court will show its stripes as a partisan group. Liberal courts did not support a political party or corporations. The liberal court supported rights of African Americans, defendants and the poor. The liberal court gave rights to women, couples. The conservative court takes away rights except to corporations. It supports the Republian Party. Mondaybisbhuge to see if the court can be trusted and independent.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to combat the LIES?

What does one do when people lie? Today the Republican leaders constantly lie. Mitt Romney is at 20% truth meter. False attacks on the president and the attorney general are constant. Lies and more lies. Fox News watchers believe the lies. What can be done.  Republicans do not care about facts. Any ideas?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do Facts Matter?

What will it take to change someones mind with science or facts? Global warming, evolution, Obama a citizen, tax cuts decrease income, debt is not our biggest worry, and so many issues. Facts are ignored. People just believe lies and wherever they hear without facts. How can you change anyones mind when they do not listen?

20 facts about inequality that all should know: #ows #occupywallstreet #politics #election2012 -- Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallSt)

Friday, April 6, 2012

It is April 7, and NO Arrest

Why no arrest for George Zimmerman? His father is a judge? The Florida Law? Incompetent Police? A grand jury must see that there is enough evidence to charge Zimmerman. He can be free on bail. He needs to be charged and tried. If he gets off, that is that. We need a trial for the 17 year old boy. We know who the shooter was. We need a jury to decide if Zimmerman acted in self defense. The family deserve this. Trayvon deserves this.

Which Obama are you talking about? Real or Fiction?

I will now be asking people which Obama are they talking about? The real one or the one's Republicans are creating? The election will be won by who votes for who. Will the independents see the real Obama or the made up one by the Republicans and their attack ads. Some of the made up attacks: Obama is a Muslim. Obama is not a Christian. Obama is a socialist. Obama is a communist. Obama has pictures drawn in the likeness of Hitler-a fascist. Obama hates America. Obama thinks America is not exceptional and bows to other leaders. Obama hates white people and is a racist. Obama apologizes for America. Obamacare is a government take over of the health care system. There are many, many others. The truth is that Obama is a pragmatist, a centrist that tries to work with others. Many of his ideas are Republican so he can work with the other side and get things done. His healthcare reform used ideas to help private companies increase customers and there is no public or government option. Obama has not taken over any industries or business like oil, gas, energy, airlines or even banking like a socialist would recommend. His policies have helped the stock market, wall street and the 1% make major gains in profit and income. Obama is a Christian, if it matters and is an American born in the US. He is white and does not hate himself, his white family or whites. He loves his family, respects his wife and treats people with respect. He knows customs of other countries and etiquette and if he does bow to a King, it is manners not subservience. He mentions American independence, excellence and ability in most talks. Many of his ideas-tax cuts, cutting the deficit, war on terror, fighting in Afghanistan, drilling oil in the gulf, cap and trade, mandates are Republican ideas. As a Democrat, I find that Obama has been one of the best Republican presidents in years. Obama will win the election if people see the real Obama and not the made up one.

The caricature-in-chief

The caricature-in-chief

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Miami Heat players take group photo in hoodies in support of the late Trayvon Martin

Miami Heat players take group photo in hoodies in support of the late Trayvon Martin

Republicans Just Lie and Ignore Facts

After watching Game Change, listening to Fox News, reading blog posts, seeing tv ad spots by Republicans, their only way to win elections is to lie. They lie over and over and this is why millions of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim, Obama is not a citizen, Obama is a socialist. Republicans do not believe in global warming due to radio talking heads not science and facts. Republicans do not believe in evolution but what their religion preaches and not the science. Many religious people do believe in evolution and God and that there is no contradiction. Republicans home school children so myths, lies can stay alive. While my family is republican and many past Republicans like Barry Goldwater, John Dean, Gerald Ford and others were honest but they also were in many cases pro choice, raised taxes, compromised, believed in evolution and so on. Today's main candidates, leaders, talking heads are so extreme that the John Birch society is mainstream. Most of them spout lies, mistruths, untruths over and over. The latest ad from Karl Rove says Obama is responsible for gas price increases. Rick Santorum and others believe the death of America is due to Obamacare and most t Republicans are against Obamacare. This is funny since most of the ideas passed were Republican ideas and Republican concepts in the 1990's in response to the Clintons. Every time I read comments about politics or listen to Grover Norquist, it is lying. Tax reductions caused our deficits and debt-yes spending has a part like 2 large wars but they were started by Republicans. When 49% of the population pay no taxes, Republicans want more tax cuts it is only for the wealthy and they will not spur growth, GDP, just the debt. The Republicans lie about regulations and reform to support their corporate sponsors. We need to get the liars out of office. The sad thing though is the Republicans do not care about facts. If given the truth and facts, Republicans ignore the facts. When will the media understand this. Obama shows his birth certificate and they do not believe it. Give numbers to prove a point, they ignore the facts. Obama has increased drilling in US since 2009, it is Obamas fault and he is stopping drilling. Republicans just lie and ignore facts, how do you compete? How do you argue?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Help America

We need to think differently than the past 40 years. Since Reagan the US has been free trade, lower prices and all about profits. Profits made overseas. Our incomes have been declining, jobs leaving the US, manufacturing non existent and the economy really weak. If we look at other countries we can learn alot and do things to help our country. China is one of our main competitors and a country that we have a trade deficit with. Many people think they are our main threat. What are they doing? State supported banks can lend money to business and people. Our banks hold funds, take bonuses and create poor loans and bad decisions. State run banks without profit motive can provide funds in good and bad times. The Bank of North Dakota is a State bank that is a shining example of good rates, good loan decisions and a local bank to help people. If we have public banks, profit would be out of the banking and loans can be made. We can make good decisions that help everyone. Tariffs? Taxes to bring jobs home? Laws to support unions and workers. We need to enforce regulations and laws that are on the books. Help workers fight the employer and get paid. We need to make sure people are paid overtime, wages, have breaks and are taken care of. We need jobs in US but not at bargain prices. We need to pay workers and make money. Help each other and help America. We need to support the building of roads, bridges, pipelines and internet. We need infrastrucure and the post office. Help us help America. Any other ideas? What is good to help America?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Has Their Ever Been Republican Laws to Help People?

Abraham Lincoln's Republican party was progressive and gave rights to African Americans with the 13, 14, 15 amendments. The Republican party fought for the abolition of slavery. Since this time, Republicans have been the party of business and the wealthy. The Republican party has done nothing for people, workers, consumers, elderly or anyone but millionaires, wealthy and business. Democrats have given the US: Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, Workers Compensation, Bank Regulation with Glass Stegal (Republican/Democrats repealed), Affordable Healthcare Act, Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1965, Clean Air and Clean Water Act, Disabilities Act, minimum wage, overtime, OSHA, EPA, Family Leave. The list goes on. Democrats have done so much for people, workers and consumers. Democrats gave Civil Rights to blacks and lost the South for a generation. What have Republicans done? Repeal the acts? Fight to go back to the 1800's? Please, what have Republicans done for major legislation that was good for people? De-regulations have destroyed banking, airlines, trucking, manufacturing.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Be kind to everyone

It is time to be kind to everyone all the time. In politics, in work, in relationships. We need to be respectful for other ideas thoughts and Rropinions. This is needed dramatically now. Smile. Let someone go in front. Be kind, be nice. We need to care for each other. Our discussions are mean and hurtful. We can only improve by being kind. We can compromise by being nice.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Limbaugh’s 70 Sexist Smears

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Limbaugh’s 70 Sexist Smears: pIt’s now been five days since Rush Limbaugh incited a national uproar with a multi-day barrage of poisonous and sexually hostile invective against Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who recently testified before Congress on the importance of mandated contraception coverage in health insurance. Approximately 40 advertisers have now abandoned the right-wing radio host, forcing [...]/p

Sandra Fluke was to testify in front of the committee about using birth control to help with ovarian cancer and that she had  a friend that used birth control for medical issues. Rush states its all about sex. Last time I heard, my health care plan I pay out of my pocket my portion and my employer pays the other. At Georgetown Law School, each student is required to pay for their health insurance, this is not from the tax payers. His entire tirade is about sex and not what she was testifying about.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Former Mossad Director: Romney ‘Is Making The Situation Worse’ With Iran

Former Mossad Director: Romney ‘Is Making The Situation Worse’ With Iran: pMitt Romney’s oped in today’s Washington Post claimed — without offering any evidence — that Iran has a “nuclear-bomb program” and that the Islamic Republic is “racing to build a nuclear bomb.” Currently, U.S. intelligence and the IAEA do not believe either of these claims to be true. But Romney’s disregard for the facts was [...]/p

Here again are Republicans basically lying about the facts and making things worse. Another Republican in charge and we will have another war in Middle East

Do We Even Try to Debate Liberals and Conservatives?

The latest PEW study from Yale University and other reports shows that conservatives are unlikely to look at facts about issues. When confronted with O'bama's birth certificate, data on climate change, evolution, regulations, Iran, tax policy conservatives keep chanting the same mantra. Yes they here it on Fox News, Rush and all over the radio. But given facts and data, these do not sway conservatives but only hardens their resolve. Liberals and many independents will look at facts, the information and change opinions. I have looked at data about our food, about climate science and other issues and made changes in my opinion. I try to look at all sides and yes there are good points to free enterprise, capitalism, corporations and Republicans. Considering my parents, grandparents, and most of my family are Republicans I do understand researching information and coming to my own conclusions. It seems that conservatives do not. When you see other points of view on Fox there is a lot of yelling over each other and facts do not seem to matter. I keep seeing lies printed about Obama, Democrats and now Iran with Mitt Romney in his OPED piece about Iran is builing a bomb. Facts do not matter. So the question is, do I try to demabe a conservative? Do liberals go on Fox knowing it won't change minds? How does the discourse change or will it? It is great to know these facts and approach people with the knowledge. I currently will ask a person if they think Obama is a citizen and if they hesitate or say no, not sure, etc, then I will not engage in a conversation with them. Is this bad? I know there is no use. So, the question is, Do we try to talk? Do the facts matter?

86-Year-Old Ohio Veteran Can’t Vote After Government-Issued ID Is Rejected At Poll

86-Year-Old Ohio Veteran Can’t Vote After Government-Issued ID Is Rejected At Poll: pPaul Carroll, an 86-year-old World War II veteran who has lived in the same Ohio town for four decades, was denied a chance to vote in the state’s primary contests today after a poll worker denied his form of identification, a recently-acquired photo ID from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The poll worker rejected the [...]/p

Monday, March 5, 2012

Republicans, the party of the 1800's or earlier

More and more the Republicans are becoming the party of the 1800's and earlier. Now, Abraham Lincoln's Republican party that freed the slaves, came up with the great 14th amendment and were very progressive. This is not what I am talking about as most Republicans today want to change the 14th amendment and if allowed would state slavery is a state's rights issue. The Republicans want to restrict voting rights, not only with voter ID but to state only people that own land should vote, or that voters must pass reading test. Voting is to be harder for many categories of people, just not the rich. Republicans want to restrict women's rights to control her body and make women take additional health risks. From abortion restrictions to outlawing abortion going back to a time when women died when getting illegal abortions, to birth control restrictions, Republicans want to control women. They should not work and are subservient to men. Republicans want to get rid of medicare, social security, medicaid, unemployment insurance and other social insurance programs to help the less fortunate. Republicans fail to remember that the elderly could not afford and would be denied health care, the elderly could not take care of themselves without these programs and that they are very successful. Republicans want to get rid of public education and make sure it is all private. The idea that everyone benefits from education and that an informed citizenry helps democracy is lost on them. Civil Rights would be discontinued. Police and fire fighters would be private. The post office would be discontinued. Government workers would be fired. Unions would not exist and employers could pay any worker any wage-work 16 hours per day, $4/hr, no vacation, no sick time, no benefits. Does not sound good to me. Does it sound good to you?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Republicans and the Cultural Revolution

Republicans today have more in common with Communist China than they do the US and our democratic values. Republican candidates for President have stated the following: to remove all liberal government workers, it is ok to kill Liberal judges, college education is to get rid of religion, college is for snobs, education is overrated, not every citizen needs a college education, science is not to be believed. There are so many more quotes by Newt, Mitt, Rick S and others. The main idea is that education is not good for society, liberals should be killed or is a disease and other issues. During the 1960's Chairman Mao started the Cultural Revolution and rounded up all university professors, scientists, teachers, and artists and made an example of them. They were jailed, humiliated, and some were killed. The idea is that new ideas, science and education was not good for the Party. People that think are dangerous. People that think for themselves or challenge ideas are to be jailed and killed. The Party cannot survive unless people are followers, do not think or just follow orders. Republicans do not want people to think and they do not want education to succeed. Republicans are against people improving, education, science and liberal ideas. Republicans and communists have a lot in common. They are for controlling people. Republicans want people to believe the lies of Fox News. Republicans want people to just follow religion, follow orders. Republicans are authoritarians. Republicans do not want democracy, voters or thinkers. They want people to do as told.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Get Religion out of Politics

I agree that men and women have beliefs and opinions that come from their religious backgrounds. A person's belief on stem cell research, abortion, life issues come from family, science, religion, media, friends. People get their views from many sources. If a person gets their view only from religion that is fine. What were are getting today is religious views and opinions are becoming policy whether it is state sanctioned ultrasounds which are unnecessary, costly and due to religious views or birth control must stay away from the freedom of religion idea. Birth control is a womens issue, health issue and privacy issue. No one if forcing a church to change their policy. The law was for health insurance providers not the Catholic Church. If things go the way they are going, we will have a state religion, religious tests, and decisions based upon religion which is NOT what the founders wanted. There is a wall between church and state to protect a Baptist church from the Catholic Church from controlling government or freedom for an atheist from the Lutheran church and so on. We need sanity. We need to cool our jets and think. THe first amendment Freedom of Religion was also freedom from religion.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stop AZ anti-union Law

Arizona is again passing another horrible law. Some of the past ones-SB1070 requiring legal US citizens to have not only drivers license but a birth certificate, laws to allow guns in bars, law to have guns on college campuses, not to teach ethnic studies in high school and not allow a teacher with an accent to teach English. Now, unions to not have collective bargaining rights at all, cant deduct union dues from paychecks and bills to strip workers of rights in the workplace. Unions are necessary to protect workers from corporate power. Corporations now force workers to work off the clock, force workers to work and not pay overtime when it was worked, no overtime pay on holidays, not providing uniforms or re-imubursing workers for uniform cost, sending workers home without pay for their travel time, cutting benefits, making workers do more and scaring workers. If you don't like it leave. At least you have a job. Companies use scare tactics to force workers to take less pay, less benefits and worse working conditions. Unions got workers benefits in the past and the government has been on the side of companies. We need to fight for our rights. Workers need to fight together and work together to stop the AZ law and all other anti worker laws.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Every Day Republican Lies

There is not a day goes by that I have to talk to people about lies or untruths. I understand opinions like is health care a right or priviledge? Does life begin at conception or birth? We have opinions on everything but there are facts that have to be discussed. Today it was Barak Obama has done nothing in 3 years. WOW. You might no like him but he stopped a depression, the economy has gone from negative 9% to + 3%, or losing 750,000 jobs per month to gaining 300,000 jobs. We got Osama, Gaddafi, many #2 and #3 leaders of Al Queda, Student Loan Reform, Health Care Reform, Wall Street Reform, extended unemployment insurance, Cash for Clunkers, changed world opinion of US and in general brought intelligence to the office. He has mentioned over 159 promises kept-not bad for doing nothing. Other lies? Cutting taxes improve the deficit-false. Obamas healh care increases the debt/deficit-no it improves it. Obama is a socialism-no he is a centrist, pragmatist that works with Republican ideas. Debt is the worst problem-no unemployment is the worst thing-Republicans do not care about debt with a Republican in office. The rich are job creators, no they cost the US jobs in moving them overseas. Obama is dividing the country with class warfare-no we have had class warfare since 1980 with Reagan destroying the middle class-tax cuts shift income to the rich. Unions are bad and no, they help the worker, raise wages, increase benefits. I almost look at everything out of a Public Republican speaker-media or politican as a lie or falsehood. Please, your theories don't work and evidence is there. Stop the lying.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How Can We Stop the Republican Lies?

What can be done about the Republican lies? This is not for the regular Republican that reads, listens to both sides and has common sense. This is for Newt, Mitt, Rush, Sean and all the other talking heads, Fox News, conservative junkies that just lie. Tax cuts create jobs or lower the deficit. The Obamacare is socialism and increases the debt. Regulations hurt jobs and we have too many regulations. Social security is welfare. Unemployment is welfare. People can't live on $250,000 and are struggling, but teachers and firefighters making $50,000 are living high on the hog. The lies against Unions are the worst-right to work helps create jobs, unions steal your money, unions hurt workers. On and on, the lies go. Listen to Mitt, Rick, or Newt it is so bad. How can we stop the lies? Republicans just say them over and over and their drones believe them. Wow. Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting new results. Call them out, show facts, articles, yell louder, and just point to their own life. If they are not rich, which most are not, just ask how are the Republican ideas serving them now-wars, terroism, debt, jobs-since 1980, how has the Reagan Revolution worked for them?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Right to Work means less pay and benefits

Right to work is horrible for workers and employees. As a union member I support my union friends. We are getting destroyed in the Press for no good reason. Right to work laws are nice names that are a lie. We all have a right to work at a fair, decent wage, following rules like get paid for overtime, get paid for hours worked, have benefits, sick pay and time off on weekends. This is gone. Wages are down. In right to work states pay is less for all workers union and non union-$1500 to $2000. Benefits are worse and the worst thing is jobs are not saved. Jobs are not coming into right to work states-they are leaving. People are working for less and less money but working harder-more hours, more responsibility. From Walmart making you work off the clock to Del Taco regular pay working on Thanksgiving. Right to work is terrible for everyone. It means pay cut. See the article below. Believe and change the perception.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taxes that help the Country

Taxes create and change incentives. Taxes can help people decide to buy a house or invest in a property. There are tax breaks for giving to charity (good), getting married (good), paying for college (good), making money, buying products and more. Taxes can help pay the debt, help decision makers. A few good ideas for taxes. A stock transaction tax of a penny or five cents. It can raise approximately $350 billion over time and stop or slow computer trading on Wall Street. This allows Wall Street to pay for some of its mess. A tax on speculation of oil and commododities can also slow down driving up prices for profits. Taxing millionaires can help Corporate managers put more money back into the company to help build US companies. A tax credit to hire US workers, a tax on workers hired outside of US. A tax on foreign goods, not to raise income but to stop imports. Taxes can help US companies pay the proper amounts and offset disadvantages or advantages by other companies. We need to raise money and stop speculation. We need to slow down company greed and support the US. Stop the giving of money to the top 1%. We have income distribution but it is bottom up and that has to stop.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Obama Can Run on Credentials

Many are saying Obama will lose the next election. Others say he will win because the Republican choices are so bad. I say Obama will win becuase he deserves to win. With Republicans determined to stop him win at any and all cost Obama scored plenty of victories in 2009-10. With a majority in House and Senate he accomplished Healthcare reform, Wall Street Reform, Student Loan Reform, minimum wage increases, stopping torture, a new kind of diplomacy and a host of other accomplishments. The stimulus package with tax cuts and spending. Cash for clunkers was a great success. Bailouts of auto industry has saved thousands of workers at no cost to the taxpayer. Since 2010 with fillibusters and just say no, he has gotten Osama Bin Ladin, ended the Iraq War and did the Libyian War at such a low cost and toppled a dictator. He increased the debt limit and kept the country going. GDP is growing, unemployment is decreasing, consumers are buying more. The economy is getting better. I see no reason not to run on achievements. He has done more than GW Bush, HW Bush, Clinton, Carter and even Reagan. He has not really had any management problems. He deserves a second term. He has helped our country from the Great Depression 2-go Obama.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ask Republicans Why they hate Obama?

As a liberal democrat that believes in no war, legalizing drugs, taxing millionaires at 70% or higher, government spending to stimulate the economy, medicare for all, no torture, no drone killings, no wiretapping, no indefinete detentions, real Wall Street Reform, all regulatory reforms with teeth, election reform etc. I can go on all the time what I want. Obama has always been a pragmatist, centrist that will deal with Republicans. He uses Republican ideas. As I was talking with a Republican friend who is voting for Romney, I asked why? Obama is a great Republican. He has lowered taxes more than Bush I or II, and Reagan-most of the stimulus was tax cuts. He got Osama, and expanded the Afghan war, plus added fighting with Libya. Why the hate? He does drone attacks and is not afraid to use the military against pirates etc. He has continued wiretapping, indefinete detentions, he has used the Patriot act and more. Why the hate?He has gutted alot of reforms and was not strong against BP and oil. Why the hate?He has caved with taxes on millionaires. Why the hate? Health care reform was really republican ideas-end pre-existing conditions, tort reform, get rid of yearly/lifetime maximums and the individuate mandate and have more customers for health insurance companies. Why hate Obama? These are ideas from the Heritage Foundation. Why the hate? I am going to ask and ask and ask. We need the answers.