Thursday, March 1, 2012

Get Religion out of Politics

I agree that men and women have beliefs and opinions that come from their religious backgrounds. A person's belief on stem cell research, abortion, life issues come from family, science, religion, media, friends. People get their views from many sources. If a person gets their view only from religion that is fine. What were are getting today is religious views and opinions are becoming policy whether it is state sanctioned ultrasounds which are unnecessary, costly and due to religious views or birth control must stay away from the freedom of religion idea. Birth control is a womens issue, health issue and privacy issue. No one if forcing a church to change their policy. The law was for health insurance providers not the Catholic Church. If things go the way they are going, we will have a state religion, religious tests, and decisions based upon religion which is NOT what the founders wanted. There is a wall between church and state to protect a Baptist church from the Catholic Church from controlling government or freedom for an atheist from the Lutheran church and so on. We need sanity. We need to cool our jets and think. THe first amendment Freedom of Religion was also freedom from religion.

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