Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Obama Can Run on Credentials

Many are saying Obama will lose the next election. Others say he will win because the Republican choices are so bad. I say Obama will win becuase he deserves to win. With Republicans determined to stop him win at any and all cost Obama scored plenty of victories in 2009-10. With a majority in House and Senate he accomplished Healthcare reform, Wall Street Reform, Student Loan Reform, minimum wage increases, stopping torture, a new kind of diplomacy and a host of other accomplishments. The stimulus package with tax cuts and spending. Cash for clunkers was a great success. Bailouts of auto industry has saved thousands of workers at no cost to the taxpayer. Since 2010 with fillibusters and just say no, he has gotten Osama Bin Ladin, ended the Iraq War and did the Libyian War at such a low cost and toppled a dictator. He increased the debt limit and kept the country going. GDP is growing, unemployment is decreasing, consumers are buying more. The economy is getting better. I see no reason not to run on achievements. He has done more than GW Bush, HW Bush, Clinton, Carter and even Reagan. He has not really had any management problems. He deserves a second term. He has helped our country from the Great Depression 2-go Obama.

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