Monday, March 5, 2012

Republicans, the party of the 1800's or earlier

More and more the Republicans are becoming the party of the 1800's and earlier. Now, Abraham Lincoln's Republican party that freed the slaves, came up with the great 14th amendment and were very progressive. This is not what I am talking about as most Republicans today want to change the 14th amendment and if allowed would state slavery is a state's rights issue. The Republicans want to restrict voting rights, not only with voter ID but to state only people that own land should vote, or that voters must pass reading test. Voting is to be harder for many categories of people, just not the rich. Republicans want to restrict women's rights to control her body and make women take additional health risks. From abortion restrictions to outlawing abortion going back to a time when women died when getting illegal abortions, to birth control restrictions, Republicans want to control women. They should not work and are subservient to men. Republicans want to get rid of medicare, social security, medicaid, unemployment insurance and other social insurance programs to help the less fortunate. Republicans fail to remember that the elderly could not afford and would be denied health care, the elderly could not take care of themselves without these programs and that they are very successful. Republicans want to get rid of public education and make sure it is all private. The idea that everyone benefits from education and that an informed citizenry helps democracy is lost on them. Civil Rights would be discontinued. Police and fire fighters would be private. The post office would be discontinued. Government workers would be fired. Unions would not exist and employers could pay any worker any wage-work 16 hours per day, $4/hr, no vacation, no sick time, no benefits. Does not sound good to me. Does it sound good to you?

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