Thursday, January 19, 2012

Every Day Republican Lies

There is not a day goes by that I have to talk to people about lies or untruths. I understand opinions like is health care a right or priviledge? Does life begin at conception or birth? We have opinions on everything but there are facts that have to be discussed. Today it was Barak Obama has done nothing in 3 years. WOW. You might no like him but he stopped a depression, the economy has gone from negative 9% to + 3%, or losing 750,000 jobs per month to gaining 300,000 jobs. We got Osama, Gaddafi, many #2 and #3 leaders of Al Queda, Student Loan Reform, Health Care Reform, Wall Street Reform, extended unemployment insurance, Cash for Clunkers, changed world opinion of US and in general brought intelligence to the office. He has mentioned over 159 promises kept-not bad for doing nothing. Other lies? Cutting taxes improve the deficit-false. Obamas healh care increases the debt/deficit-no it improves it. Obama is a socialism-no he is a centrist, pragmatist that works with Republican ideas. Debt is the worst problem-no unemployment is the worst thing-Republicans do not care about debt with a Republican in office. The rich are job creators, no they cost the US jobs in moving them overseas. Obama is dividing the country with class warfare-no we have had class warfare since 1980 with Reagan destroying the middle class-tax cuts shift income to the rich. Unions are bad and no, they help the worker, raise wages, increase benefits. I almost look at everything out of a Public Republican speaker-media or politican as a lie or falsehood. Please, your theories don't work and evidence is there. Stop the lying.

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