Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Operation Jade Helm-I am there to help you!

To All My Friends in Texas and the Southwest. Tomorrow is a huge day-July 15 and Operation Jade Helm. This is the day Texas is invaded and martial law occurs, concentration camps are set up at Walmarts and everyone's guns are taken. Please contact me and I will give you my number, email or way to contact me, so if anything happens to you, I will help. I am very good friends with President Obama. My family goes to dinner with the Obama's at least quarterly to discuss economic and foreign affairs. I actually gave him the idea to open an embassy in Cuba (over a Cuban cigar and vodka). My son Chase gave him the Heritage Foundation article on healthcare reform. So if you have been arrested by US military or Obama took your gun or you have family in concentration camps, call me. I will help you and your family. I will check on military operations every day this week. So you can just open a cold one, make a jack and coke or whatever drink, turn on Jimmy Buffet, Lynyrd Skynyrd or any music and enjoy your summer. Relax and enjoy.

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