Friday, July 17, 2015

Oklahoma protesters of Obama with Confederate Flag-heritage of hate

The League of the South, KKK in all southern states, Sons of Confederacy are all supporting the Confederate Flag. There are parades showing support of the Flag. On Thursday, President Obama visited Oklahoma for a prison visit about prison reform. There were protesters of President Obama outside of his hotel waving the Confederate Flag. This is just another example of the hatred and racism shown to the President. Protesting a president with the flag of hate-they do not use US flag but the flag of slavery to wave at the President. This is just spewing hate. Oklahoma was not part of the South and did not participate in the Civil War,so how could these people use heritage? It was used for hate. Symbols matter and the symbol of slavery, segregation, hate being waved at the President who happens to be the first African American President. This is hate. Ask any of the protesters their feelings on the president and it would not be of love and tolerance. They feel hatred. Do they believe blacks and whites are equal? The flag shows that this answer is NO! The flag shows their racist, hateful beliefs. Terrible.

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