Monday, July 6, 2015

Bernie For President

Bernie Sanders is a great candidate. He is honest, trustworthy and speaks from the heart. He marched with Martin Luther King in 1963, he supported gay marriage in 1972 and opposed both the Persian Gulf War and Iraq wars when this was unpopular. He is for the middle class and working class. He believes in $15 minimum wage, Medicare for all, free public education for all students, a roads and infrastructure works program. Not just this, he wants to get money out of politics. He wants to have Citizens United repealed, an amendment or just gone. Bernie believes that climate change is a huge problem and needs to be attacked. Bernie wants to reduce inequality and the wealth gap. He plans on increasing taxes on the wealthy by a few means: a real progressive income tax at higher rates, and a tax on stock transactions. Bernie has been against all types of inequality like discrimination against blacks, gays and lesbians and the poor. Bernie walks the walk and talks the walk. He has not taken any PAC funds and will not set up a Super Pac. This is the first time I have been really for a candidate. I might think that his weak point to me is his stance on gun control. How can I complain when the NRA gives him a grade of D-. While not the worst (best), it is still a grade that I support. I agree with this candidate at least 99% of the time on the issues. It feels wonderful to be for a candidate and not just voting for the lesser of two evils. The more I read, the more I learn about Bernie, the better I feel. Listen to him. Read about him. Do not just see the liberal or socialist or democrat. Look at his views, listen to him. You will be convinced.

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