Thoughts on politics, government, elections and current events. Ideas to bring in conversation and discussion.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
What will make Democrats Vote?
It really bothers me that Democrats do not vote. Every two years, off elections we go backwards. Republicans make gains in Congress and in States. Why do Democrats not vote? Republicans vote against women's equal pay, against birth control, against health care, against abortion. Why do blacks not vote? Republicans Vote against voting rights , vote against higher minimum wage, health care. Republicans vote for prisons and tough drug laws to put blacks in jail. Muslims are being attacked by conservatives in so many ways. They can't practice their religion, they are beaten, now ID laws are being promoted. Pick a mjnority and Republicans are against them. Vote!!! We need you. Help yourself.Please.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
A Time for Reparations
It is time to put our money where our mouth is. We need to do the right thing that General Sherman recommended at the end of the Civil War to give every slave a mule and 40 acres of land. We have given reparations to Japanese internment victims and Germany has given reparations for World War II to Israel. Estimates are that slavery cost the slaves $20 Trillion. There is no real way to calculate the cost of slavery, with interest up until today. What we do know is that slavery lasted from 1619 to 1865 in the US-which is 246 years where slaves were not allowed to read, to get an education, to move around, to think or be a person. Families were split up, people were raped multiple times, whipped, harassed and terrorized. There is nothing called a good slaveowner, or slaves were well treated. This is totally impossible and a fallacy. Slaves were denied wages, freedom and were give bare necessities to survive. The slaves were at the beginning of the Civil War estimated at $4 Billion. The cotton industry was responsible for the huge growth in the north with cheap textiles, exports to Europe and was central to the US economy. Now, after the Civil War, segregation and Jim Crow laws kept blacks from voting, from a good education, from good jobs and income. Jim Crow laws in essence were like the Nuremberg laws and just as harsh. The South had vagrancy laws and black men were picked up on the streets and taken to work for free or to pay off a fine or debt. Wages were terrible for blacks and blacks were denied entry to jobs, good schools and white society. Red lining was practiced so blacks could not get mortgages to buy homes. Blacks had seller contracts at high rates and if they missed a payment would lose the house and they gained no equity. Blacks were denied social security, GI Bill benefits, unemployment and other New Deal support systems until much later than Whites. Do not forget lynching, destroying towns, massacres and killing blacks for whistling at a white woman (Emmitt Till). Jim Crow lasted from roughly 1865 to 1964 or another 99 years. So we have 345 years of lawful destruction of black lives, jobs and freedoms. We had other Civil Rights laws in 1968 that helped with housing issues but this is a good time. After Civil Rights, the war on drugs and crime targeted black people. Blacks in jail, blacks dropping out of school, blacks being shot by the police or stand your ground laws. Blacks wages, wealth and ability to move up are markedly less than whites. For every slave, lower wage, red line, person in jail, a white person benefited. Whites gained from slavery, segregation, post Civil Rights and the white economy benefited from killing black society. I hear that blacks should be fine and equal and if they are not, it is due to them being lazy or thugs or dumb. To me, it is like having the Daytona 500 and whites have a 345 lap head start, and then you let the blacks begin the race. Why did they not win? so far behind? Hmmm? Anyone with common sense can see how white society, American society has benefited from keeping the blacks down and discriminating blacks.
What do we do? Reparations, pay the descendants of slaves from 1865. Estimates are from a low of $12,000 per person to $1.5 million or $5 Trillion to $24 Trillion is due to blacks. I have seen direct payments or payments to the community. We have done both in the past. I do believe a direct payment would be fantastic along with community money to rebuild cities, education, homes, business development and health care. The community funds can go to an oversight committee that would take requests for funds for local areas. Money to people would be a stimulus package and support business, education and living expenses for blacks. Both are good spending and would add to GDP and the economy. There is a Congressional Committee proposal by John Conyers that is introduced each year to look at the issue. I would be willing to start with $1 trillion over 10 years which is $100 B per year. We can then divide up the $100 B between people and the community. The point is to do this. We need to look at this and do it now. Pick numbers that make sense. Pick numbers that help the black community and the US. I am open to ideas.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Oklahoma protesters of Obama with Confederate Flag-heritage of hate
The League of the South, KKK in all southern states, Sons of Confederacy are all supporting the Confederate Flag. There are parades showing support of the Flag. On Thursday, President Obama visited Oklahoma for a prison visit about prison reform. There were protesters of President Obama outside of his hotel waving the Confederate Flag. This is just another example of the hatred and racism shown to the President. Protesting a president with the flag of hate-they do not use US flag but the flag of slavery to wave at the President. This is just spewing hate. Oklahoma was not part of the South and did not participate in the Civil War,so how could these people use heritage? It was used for hate. Symbols matter and the symbol of slavery, segregation, hate being waved at the President who happens to be the first African American President. This is hate. Ask any of the protesters their feelings on the president and it would not be of love and tolerance. They feel hatred. Do they believe blacks and whites are equal? The flag shows that this answer is NO! The flag shows their racist, hateful beliefs. Terrible.
Where are the Good Police? Are there any good police? Police should protect all not just white
The idea that it is a few bad cops that are killing black people is an old, outdated and false statement. I know black cops are involved in killing black people. I know white cops are involved in killing black people. The problem is that if you are black you are dying in the custody or vicinity of police. Protect and serve seems to be for whites only. Has it changed since segregation when blacks could be lynched, killed by whites at any time. The police let this happen. Has this really changed? The list keeps getting longer and longer of black people dying in the hands of police.
Dontre Hamilton shot 14 times (disturbing the police, had mental illness) Eric Garner (selling illegal cigarettes), John Crawford (Walmart shopper holding b-b gun), Michael Brown (jay walking, shoplifting?, pot use), Ezell Ford (mentally ill, unarmed), Dante Parker (killed by repeated taser), Tanisha Anderson (mental ill, unarmed, smashed head on concrete while apprehending), AKai Gurley (walking girlfriend home, unarmed), Tamir Rice (12 year playing in park, play gun), Rumain Brisbon (shot as police thought pill bottle was weapon), Jerame Reid (getting out of car), Tony Robinson (disrupting traffic, assault officer),Phillip White (erratic behavior), Eric Harris (73 year old sherrif thought used taser but used gun), Walter Scott (running from police), Freddie Gray (trying to leave police, killed in custody), Sandra Bland (suicide in custody?). None of these people deserved to die. None deserved this treatment. These are the known deaths that is in the public view. There can be others. Then there is cases in New Mexico police shooting at black mother and her car with children in car, the Texas 15 year old being man handled by police. The list continues.
A White killers of 9 people is treated well and even gets a Burger King meal. The Colorado Theater killer was treated respectfully. Whites consistently yell at cops, threaten cops, have weapons including guns and they are treated with respect. The police might put to the ground but whites are not killed by choking or tased to death or shot 14 times. I have friends and family members that have been arrested on drugs, alcohol and were belligerent, threatening but never were mistreated. Police protect and serve white people. Some of these criminals do not deserve this kind treatment but they get it.
Where are the good police, that protect both black and white? Where are the police stopping this kill black people behavior? Where are the police intervening? Where are the police saying that this is wrong? Where are the police calling out their own? I don't see them. I see some police on the news giving comments, but actual police on the streets, stopping these events? No. Police are standing by and letting blacks die. They are letting blacks be mistreated. Until I see police officers intervening and making a change, all of the police are the same. The police are not there to protect blacks or Hispanics. The police are not good. Police only serving whites does not serve the public. Black lives matter. Brown lives matter. All lives matter. Police need to protect and serve all people.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Gun Controls, Responsible Laws are needed
The second amendment: The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Notice the beginning of the amendment, a well regulated militia. Now the Supreme Court in the Heller case gave individuals the right to bear arms individually. Normally it was related to well regulated militia and the courts looked at types of guns and purpose of guns. Was it military use? Used for militia? Now with this case and the presidency of Obama, less people have bought more and more guns. The percentage of Americans that have guns have decreased but the number of guns owned is over 300 million. The following are gun statistics from Gunviolencearchive dated July 15, 2015. I want to look at accidental shootings Some statistics state that 100 children die per year due to accidental shootings. Below it lists 1658 children killed or injured. It also lists 1004 accidental shootings.
Total Number of Incidents 26,469
Number of Deaths1 6,800
Number of Injuries1 13,580
Number of Children (age 0-11) Killed/Injured1 376
Number of Teens (age 12-17) Killed/Injured1 1,282
Mass Shooting2 162
Officer Involved Shooting2 2,334
Home Invasion2 1,168
Defensive Use2 642
Accidental Shooting2 1,004
Now since most Congressmen and women will not create legislation on background checks, or laws about gun shows or loopholes, there are other ways to regulate gun use and practices. Regulations are expected and regulations and restrictions are on every amendment and right. The freedom of speech or religion are not unlimited and have practices that are not allowed in our country. The same can be said for the second amendment. My ideas do not relate to these restrictions, they are related to insurance and punishment.
Gun owners should purchase insurance for their guns. There should be a new market for insurance with companies providing gun insurance to all types of guns. If the gun is a hand gun or AR-15 it would have a different rate than a standard shotgun for hunting. The insurance companies would rate people based on age, gun safety courses taken, tests taken, safety practices. The gun insurance would pay out due to accidental shootings, property damage, hospital bills. The insurance would put a cost on guns that relate to responsibility. The more responsible, the lower the rate.
Now with punishment of gun accidents. They are called accidents, but most are preventable. Children, toddlers and teens have access to guns. Our children are finding the guns and playing with the guns and then the gun goes off. Responsible gun owners lock up their guns with no access to the key. Responsible gun owners do not have loaded guns available in the open. If a guardian is not responsible with their guns with the two options, they will be charged for the "accident". I know the people are punished for losing a loved one, and this hurts the family tremendously. We need to let the other gun owners, the ones that the accident has not happen to be responsible. I am not saying a parent should be charged with murder, but there should be a consequence. Jail time, fines are within the parameters. States can have the choice of punishments, but it is so sad seeing the deaths over and over in the news.
People might say, the numbers are low. This does not happen often. The idea about a law, if it saves one life, it is worth it. If I can allow law abiding citizens their right to own and use a gun, but save a life, the law is acceptable and so worth it. A life is worth more than ownership of a gun.
Thoughts? Ideas?
Obama Hope and Change-It is Real
Friends of mine on the right and left have made fun of Obama and his slogan from 2008. Many of my Democrat friends did not vote in 2010, 2012 and 2014 due to the perception that there has been no change. There is no hope. Well, President Obama made over 700 campaign promises in 2008 and has kept 45% with 22% a compromise. A compromise like the Affordable Heath Care Act was a great achievement and it was a compromise. Compromise is not bad, so these are included in achievements. In total he has kept 484 promises with record Republican opposition. The Republicans have not supported anything with Obama's name except for TPP and the trade agreements. Here are some of Obama's major achievements:
1) Stimulus package stopping the Great Recession and starting economic growth-
2) Unemployment dropping from 10.8% to 5.3%
3) Saving the auto industry
4) Killing Osama Bin Ladin
5) Health care reform-end of pre-existing conditions, end of lifetime and yearly maximum payouts, 26 year old on parents plan, plus 20 others
6) Opening diplomatic relations with Cuba
7) Iran Nuclear Deal
8) Wall Street Reform-Dodd Frank
9) Student loan reform-getting private companies out of process
10) Create consumer friendly credit card rating
11) Credit card bill of rights
12) Closed donut hole for senior citizens and prescription purchases
13) VA fully funded
14) Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell
15) End Iraq War
These are all huge by themselves. There are so many more. The changes in same sex marriage, health care uninsured rate, lowering of unemployment are all tremendous achievements. Obama has done so much more. He is a leader and done things by executive order, bills and in executive agreements. He has had a successful presidency. Add more if you would like-there are plenty more achievements.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Operation Jade Helm-I am there to help you!
To All My Friends in Texas and the Southwest. Tomorrow is a huge day-July 15 and Operation Jade Helm. This is the day Texas is invaded and martial law occurs, concentration camps are set up at Walmarts and everyone's guns are taken. Please contact me and I will give you my number, email or way to contact me, so if anything happens to you, I will help. I am very good friends with President Obama. My family goes to dinner with the Obama's at least quarterly to discuss economic and foreign affairs. I actually gave him the idea to open an embassy in Cuba (over a Cuban cigar and vodka). My son Chase gave him the Heritage Foundation article on healthcare reform. So if you have been arrested by US military or Obama took your gun or you have family in concentration camps, call me. I will help you and your family. I will check on military operations every day this week. So you can just open a cold one, make a jack and coke or whatever drink, turn on Jimmy Buffet, Lynyrd Skynyrd or any music and enjoy your summer. Relax and enjoy.
Iran Deal is A Good Deal and Better Option than War
The new Iran Deal is a historic, positive step. It is a win-win situation and stops to drums of war. It involves give and take, a compromise on both sides so it is not perfect for both sides, but it is important and practical. It allows verification of nuclear facilities and military sites. 2/3 of centrifuges will be destroyed going from 19,000 to 6104. The Deal will keep Iran from producing more materials for a nuclear bomb for 10 years. The sanctions against Iran will be lifted and Iran will be begin to trade. Most of the people of Iran are young and do look to the West. They can be our friends. A deal like this could begin regime change. This deal has brought Iran to commit 40,000 troops to help fight terrorism in Iraq.
I know every Republican will be against this deal. John McCain has not liked a single war and Lindsay Graham is just about as warlike. Republicans want to bomb Iran and use military force. Military force did not work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or in any recent conflict. Even with the largest military, the largest military budget or nuclear weapons arsenal, diplomacy works. Diplomacy worked against the Soviet Union. Diplomacy worked to stop Syria using chemical weapons. Diplomacy and talking helped the US normalize relations with Cuba. While diplomacy can fail and it has be followed up. Bombing Iran is not like Iraq. Iran's military is much better than Iraq's. Iran has trained military guards, navy, air force and the facilities are not easily bombed. It would not be like Israel bombing an Iraq nuclear facility and then it is over. Bombing Iran would start a war, terrorism against the US and more killing.
The Iran deal will work because of "verification and not trust." Many do not trust the Iranians to follow through, and either did the negotiators and steps were put in place. Verification and snapbacks where sanctions will be put back into place if the Iranians fail on their side of the bargain.
All countries except 3 support this deal.This deal was negotiated by everyone on the UN Security Council plus Germany with Iran. It was an important process that took 18 months and followed 12 years of Iranian concerns and build up of a nuclear program. Nuclear experts feel that this is a great deal. Diplomatic experts feel this is a good deal and a step towards peace. Hope begins today.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Yes, Jeb Bush and Rick Perry Donald Trump shares the ideas of the Republican Party
I can and probably will go on a rant on how bad Donald Trump and his ideas are. I can refute with facts all of his beliefs and statements, but the purpose of this blog is to show that Donald Trump represents the core, primary republican voter. His statements have been criticized by many, but his numbers in the polls have been rising. Donald resonates with primary voters. The following are areas that Mr. Trump has supported and it also shows percentages of Republicans who support his views. Donald Trump is becoming the face of the Republican Party.
Donald Trump has made some outrageous remarks on immigration this past week. He has said illegal immigrants are "bringing their problems, they are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists and some I assume are good people." Donald Trump tweeted "Jeb Bush has to like illegal immigrants because of his wife". Donald Trump is going on television and interviews stating that "The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists," Trump intends to keep illegal immigration out. All of these statements are supported by the Tea Party and in many evangelical wings of the Republican Party. Comprehensive immigration reform of George W. Bush crafted by John McCain and Ted Kennedy was a great bill that would have solved the immigration issue for years to come was destroyed by the right wing of the Republican Party. The Republican Party believes all the lies that Donald Trump says, they just don't like the way he said them. There is no difference between what Donald says or talking heads from Fox News. His illegal immigration views have launched him into second place in the party polls. A July 8th Rasmussen poll shows that 76 percent of Republicans agree with Trump's comments about illegal immigrants from Mexico, who he said are bringing crime across the border.
Donald Trump is a birther and so is the Republican Party. Most Republican leaders will not say President Obama is a citizen, they just say they do not know. Leaders will not confront Trump or any birther but will play to the party base. 34% of Republicans believe that the President is not a US citizen and 51% of primary voters in the Republican party feel the same way.
Donald Trump is for the tax laws, the trade laws that support the free market. He believes in the free market like all Republicans. He is the face of US style of capitalism. He represents greed, huge wealth and lavish spending the the Republican Party supports. 86% of republicans have a favorable view of free enterprise. The Republican party is traditionally the party of the business class, corporations and the wealthy.
Donald Trump campaigns on the importance of a strong family and traditional marriage. He came out against the Supreme Court ruling and believes that it was John Robert's fault and he let us down. Donald uses Roberts to show a weakness of Jeb Bush who lobbied hard for John Roberts to be on the Court. Mr. Trump was asked by Jake Tapper about gay marriage and he just says "I'm for traditional marriage". A recent poll stated that 63% of Republicans oppose the Supreme Court decision and do not support gay marriage.
Donald Trump is for a strong military. He has been critical of President Obama about Syria, Iraq, Russia and most foreign policy issues. From his announcement speech, he also promises to beef up the military by finding “the guy, the Gen. Patton or Gen. MacArthur” to lead it. He also vows to get tough with Iran. Unlike Secretary of State John Kerry, Trump says he knows how to negotiate a good deal.Trump feels he can just get things done. 56% of Republicans want more spending for the defense department.
There are not many other issues on Mr. Trump's election website. His speeches and talks are mostly about illegal immigration. I will leave China alone as he has compared Chinese leaders to Tom Brady. I will get tough with China? He is not clear in his policy positions so this will be another day.
So to Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum and all of the other Republican candidates, Donald Trump does represent republican primary voters and many republicans. He says what republicans want to hear. Donald Trump is second to Jeb Bush in nationwide polls and the early primary states. A poll today shows Donald Trump is leading the pack in North Carolina. Donald Trump represents republicans and people need to listen. People need to hear what he has to say.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Capitalism Does not Exist-part 1
This post will be multiple parts as it grows. The idea is to show when people talk about free market or capitalism it is a myth and does not exist. It is to show how it cannot solve problems like many political people will say. "Get government out of business or the market place, the market will solve the problem" Other statements like this are just not true.
Adam Smith the founder of capitalism or modern economics came up with the idea of capitalism and the invisible hand. He was arguing for capitalism versus mercantilism. Adam Smith believed in the idea of competition and the role of the government was to protect property rights, resolve property right disputes and prevent monopolies. At his time the East India Trading Company was the largest company in the world and had monopolies in multiple areas.
Free enterprise and capitalism is where people and firms answer the 3 basic economic questions and own the factors of production. Characteristics of capitalism is voluntary exchange, limited government, private property, competition, price system, profit motive and economic freedom. Now most would say we have voluntary exchange, private property, profit motive and economic freedom. The areas that kill capitalism is the lack of competition which is key. My conservatives would say that government is not limited and is too active in the economy. The price system is modified by government is some industries but for the most part would be a characteristic that works for capitalism.
Perfect competition markets have four characteristics and none of them truly exist in any industry or market in the US. Number one rule or evidence of perfect competition is that no company or person controls the price. The market will set the price. You can see this characteristic in that there is no menu or set price, but people and firms negotiate prices. The products are identical or very similar in that the buyer does not care who he or she buys from. I can buy from anyone and the product is roughly the same. There is open and free information about the product and prices. It is easy to get information about all products, all companies and quality. Another characteristic is that firms can enter and exit the industry very easily. If profits are large in an industry, a firm will see this and join the industry or market to make the product. This entrance will in effect lower prices and improve quality as more companies are competing for the sales. The last characteristic is that there are many buyers and sellers and this is key. There are not 1, 3, 5 or 20 firms selling the products but thousands or millions. The more companies the better. It is better to have buyers and sellers be close to equal but not required.
All of these characteristics and ideas are to improve the product quality and lower the price. With this situation, innovation will occur and even wages will increase as there is competition for workers to innovate and make better products. There is no industry that has these characteristics but most economic classes will point to agriculture, restaurants like pizza or maybe the stock market to visualize this concept.
Most of the United States industries have monopolies with one firm in the industry, oligopolies with 3-4 companies controlling a market or monopolistic competition with 5-20 companies controlling industries. Each of these types causes less competition, higher prices, less output or sales and less innovation. They restrict competition and encourage and want higher prices. These industries are oil, cars, breakfast cereals, TV or computers, software, utilities, movies and entertainment, airlines and all of the US economy. We do not have perfect competition or free enterprise. The role of government would be to limit mergers and generate competition. The anti trust busting needs to come back to the US. The not allowing any merger and to make too big to fail a reality. Companies should be cut up to have competition. Most people are against this and do not believe this should be done as it is against people's freedom of enterprise even though it goes against competition. Name one company that wants competition? They want to kill the competition and gobble up the competition.
In the early days of the US, the government was involved in business and markets. The railroads could not have been built without the government. Government gave corporations charters, created rules, created tariffs to protect business and gave subsidies to companies to survive. The US government has always been involved in business. Business have been great in marking free enterprise while taking subsidies and grants to make more money. Does EXXON need subsidies? United? Walmart? GE? Agribusiness? The government not only bails out companies but gives free money to companies.
Lets get over the idea we are capitalist or have a free market. We don't. It is an economic theory like communism. Just remember one of the US's greatest achievements-winning World War II or landing on the Moon were government controlled and manipulated. I will cover racism and discrimination, innovation and new industries, free trade, privitization government functions, public goods, rules to improve capitalism or how to make it work for everyone and income inequality.
Let's discuss the issues and problems with capitalism. Let's learn and make rules that don't change daily. Let's make it work for everyone. Let's stop saying the free market will solve the problem.
Media Bias Against Democrats-Both Bernie and Hillary
The conservative, corporate media have a definite bias against both Bernie and Hillary which supports the republican party. The media does not do research, investigative reporting or even serious news anymore. This includes Sunday News programs like Face the Nation or Meet the Press. The media is more a gate-keeper and they decide what is on the news or score keeper, give shallow details or stories. The more scandals or fights the better. The media in search of profits has changed greatly how they cover the news and that includes politics. The Corporate media is now involved in the discussions and will promote policies and views that support the news organization and parent company.
To have extreme candidates, that support policies that ignore evolution, ignore and deny climate change, promote failed economics tax cuts for the rich, cutting safety net programs or infrastructure, that are seen as serious candidates or never called out. In the past these candidates like Ted Cruz or Mike Huckabee would be ignored or called out for their stupidity but today they are promoted and given a platform and not just on Fox News. Extreme positions are allowed to be spewed and never questioned. Now some extreme views are called out like Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" but you never saw the media follow up and show how this view is followed by a good many representatives and a strong view in Christian culture.
With Bernie, the media calls him the extreme candidate and a clown. He is a democratic socialist and owns the title but the media uses this label to ignore him. They will have him on the news and talk only about the label and not his views. They will exaggerate his views and make him as a clown versus talk about his views. Bernie has had more people show up to his campaign stops than any other 2016 candidate from either side. Bernie has momentum and excitement and the regular news is treating him poorly as a clown. He is running an excellent campaign, using social media, Q & A sessions and the media when he can. He does not shy away from answering tough questions from people or the press. He is doing an excellent job but the media is biased against him. He deserves so much positive media attention and deserves attention more than any republican candidate except maybe Jeb Bush. Let's see the score keeping of Bernie versus Ted or Bernie versus Chris Christie for campaign stops, issues and number of attendees.
Hillary is another story altogether. I am of the belief that everything that I hear or see in the press about Hillary is false. The right wing news from Drudge, Breitbart or World News Daily will throw out conspiracy theories, wild stories and they get picked up by the press. Benghazi has been seen as a terrible scandal but with over 5 investigations and another in process, there is no way that Hillary was involved in any way with the deaths, a stand down or even the aftermath. The email scandal and today the rope scandal. The press will just attack Hillary because she is Hillary. I totally understand her not wanting to talk to the press. Does anyone remember the 1990's? The constant attack, the constant press criticism against the Clinton's. The media has agenda and it is not fair to Hillary in any way possible. The idea is to put out wild remarks or "scandals" to hurt her image and her campaign. Citizens United was a movie against Hillary. The media and right wing have a strong agenda to attack, attack Hillary. With the media not doing their job and looking for ratings, this will hurt Hillary.
What is the solution? Break up the companies and not allow any mergers in media. Make sure we have more competition and less large media outlets. Make sure media does not control multiple outlets and in different locations. The media as the fourth branch of government has disappeared. The media as journalism has disappeared. I just laugh when I hear the liberal media. It is people just repeating a meme that has no truth in fact.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Confederate Flag MUST Come Down
States must take the Confederate Flag from government offices and buildings. This treasonous flag needs to be removed from government buildings, monuments as this flag is racist and represents racist heritage. Most people that mention heritage, forget that this is a heritage of hate.This flag and all different types of Stars and Bars flags represent the history of slavery and segregation. This flag represents the economy of the South, it represents the Institution of Slavery, it represents the fight against Civil Rights. When I see the Confederate Flag I think of treason and war. This flag represents actual secession and states leaving the Union. This flag represents over 600,000 deaths over the issue of slavery. The South as noted in the Cornerstone Speech or the individual Acts of Secession by Alabama, Mississippi and other states all point to Slavery as being the main point and reason. Those for the flag give facts that not everyone owned slaves or that the soldiers did not favor slavery. These are empty statistics. The South's economy, government, laws, trade, jobs were based on the agricultural economy of slavery. I hear the War was over states rights, well it was the state's rights to own and have slaves. Today the Flags are used by the KKK, League of the South and Sons of the Confederacy as a symbol of their "heritage" which is really white supremacy. People will say the racism is of the past but recent events show the KKK and other hate groups are on the rise. Southern Black Churches are burning down. Black men are dying in the hands of police or stand your ground laws. Much of the mass killer in Charleston manifesto is what people that fly the Confederate Flag believe. Maybe not all, but a good majority. Look at Southern policies-reducing welfare, arrests, voter ID laws, lack of jobs, not helping with medical care-all of these are directly aimed at southern black people even though they can hurt poor whites as well. They all have views that blacks are inferior, blacks are to blame for ills of the country. While these groups hate other groups like the Jewish People, most of the hate is towards blacks. The Confederate flag definitely causes a hostile work environment for any black american seeing this symbol of hate daily. It is a reminder of the not so distant history of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynchings and discrimination. I am not proposing like the Germans to outlaw the flag (maybe in the future), but lets put the flag in museum. Removing this flag will not stop racism or reduce discrimination, but it is a small beginning to show blacks that this symbol will not be part of government or hailed as a great symbol. It will not be treated just like the American flag but as a symbol of hate and secession. It is time to come down. It is time to remove the flag from buildings, license plates and government property. We are better than this.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Bernie For President
Bernie Sanders is a great candidate. He is honest, trustworthy and speaks from the heart. He marched with Martin Luther King in 1963, he supported gay marriage in 1972 and opposed both the Persian Gulf War and Iraq wars when this was unpopular. He is for the middle class and working class. He believes in $15 minimum wage, Medicare for all, free public education for all students, a roads and infrastructure works program. Not just this, he wants to get money out of politics. He wants to have Citizens United repealed, an amendment or just gone. Bernie believes that climate change is a huge problem and needs to be attacked. Bernie wants to reduce inequality and the wealth gap. He plans on increasing taxes on the wealthy by a few means: a real progressive income tax at higher rates, and a tax on stock transactions. Bernie has been against all types of inequality like discrimination against blacks, gays and lesbians and the poor. Bernie walks the walk and talks the walk. He has not taken any PAC funds and will not set up a Super Pac.
This is the first time I have been really for a candidate. I might think that his weak point to me is his stance on gun control. How can I complain when the NRA gives him a grade of D-. While not the worst (best), it is still a grade that I support. I agree with this candidate at least 99% of the time on the issues. It feels wonderful to be for a candidate and not just voting for the lesser of two evils.
The more I read, the more I learn about Bernie, the better I feel. Listen to him. Read about him. Do not just see the liberal or socialist or democrat. Look at his views, listen to him. You will be convinced.
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