Friday, June 17, 2022

Voter Turnout is Key and Important. Dems to Vote

While I understand years of mid-terms where President loses terribly. The most famous shellacking was in 2010, Obama getting destroyed. In that election only 41% of the voters voted. Most Republicans, older, white, males vote in all elections. This 41% was seen as a wave, but remember it was only 41%. If Democrats vote, they win. See 1998, 2006, 2018. In these mid terms, Demcorats voted and won. In Presidential elections, Democrats win if they vote. This is not undocumented voting, but registered Democrats voting. While, it seems negative now, remember if Democrats vote, they win. Vote, vote and vote. Do you want Fascism? Do you want Social Security and Medicare defunded, changed? Do you want more gun access and less mental health? Do you want more guns? Do you want less public education, less welfare? Do you want minimum wage removed?Republicans vote against price controls for oil companies, pharmacies. Republicans are against Gay Marriage, LGBTQ rights, against interracial marriage, abortion, privacy rights, even contraception. Be wary. Vote for your rights. Vote and tell others to vote. Vote for diversity. Vote for being kind. Vote for women! Vote for immigrants!!

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