Monday, June 20, 2022

Here is what you get if you vote for Republicans in 2022

Republicans for years have wanted to cut taxes and shrink the government. The Republicans want small government. Interesting that we have a large republic-large in population and large in area, so even with a post office, government offices, we have a need for large government to match our needs and population. The founders never said large, but limited government. Republicans in their efforts to lower taxes have increased our debt and deficit. They have made it impossible to enforce laws, regulations or inspect mines, oil rigs or bridges and roads. It is hard to know in this current Republican Party what do they want, so you have to listen to Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Mitch McConnell and other leaders to give you an idea, what they want: 1) Abortion outlawed in the country-not just up to the States but a total ban if possilbe. 2) Birth control, Griswold v CT overturned and up to the States to limit birth control 3) Take away marriage equality-gays and lesbians and trans will have no rights-no marriage, no employment or rental rights for any LBGTQ persons 4) Interracial marriage - Loving v VA is wrongly decided and up to the States- 5) No right to privacy in any mattters-no rights besides those in 1787-white men with property-those are original rights 6) Education to be privatized-more school vouchers and choice, more restrictions on what is taught-no teaching on slavery or race inequalities- 7) Guns for everyone. Not sure if the NRA or Republicans want Blacks and Muslims to have AR-15 but constitutional carry in every state-you can take guns into bars, schools, everywhere. No limit or restriction to gun rights 8) Flat tax-everyone taxed the same percent-sounds great but the rich will have less in taxes taken out and the poor will be taked so much more-overall, it will increase debt and deficit but it sounds fair. 9) Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare ended-that is the end goal. If they do block grants, privitize, defund or take away subsidies, the goal is to reduce these benefits to Americans-that is a big agenda item. 10) Right to work laws nationwide-no unions, no striking, no workers rights, no employee rights. Go find another job is their motto. 11) No equal pay for equal work, discrimination against women-women should not be working but taking care of the family 12) Christianity rules-school prayer in classrooms and government-Christian values and Christian morality will run the local, state and national government. 13) No minimum wage at all-it will not be raised, and if allowed, removed 14) All issues up to the States-they would like a Confederation, not national government. They prefer the Articles of Confederation versus the Constitution. Every rule, law is up to the States-there is no national rule governing or mandating the States. States can nullify the Federal govenment. 15) Elections are fair if Republicans win, Democrats cannot win. This is stated and implied by Stop the Steal and current events. 16) News is fake if it is does not agree with conservatives or Republicans. Republicans have thier own reality and news and facts. Facts do not matter. Party over country. 17) Minorities, young and Democrats are restricted in voting. Must wait in lines, remove polling places, stations to make it harder for minorities to vote-minorities should not vote. Some Republican representatives have said women should not vote. 18) Democrats are the Devil-pedofiles, groomers, worse than Putin. Republicans have made Democrats against the country, against US, against Children-sex trafficers, and worse. All untrue, but that is their belief."Putin is better than Hillary", "Hillary had sex ring in Pizza place" but teachers are "groomers" and worse. Republicans believe this-Demcorats are ungodly, hate them and hate America. All untrue but a belief and they will act on it. 19) Republicans have voted against Voting Rights, against Anti-gouging laws, discrimination laws and anything to help people. Republicans since 1960's have not voted to help people in any way. (Ok lower taxes but helps rich more than them) They vote against helping Ukraine, NATO, lowering cost of college, lowering prescription drug costs, against healthcare laws, against sensible gun laws-against anything the people want. 20) Hate groups will be permitted and encouraged-Proud Boys, Militia Groups allowed to run wild and be vigilantes. Hate will be normalized and allowed. Hate will be encouraged. 21) President Biden will be impeached-not for crimes but policy issues. President Trump, Clinton, Johnson, Nixon were impeached for crimes and laws broken. Biden will not have broken any law, but he will be impeached due to any issue at the border. Not a crime. 22) Corporations and business will be given more power, more authority to pollute, to have no regulations, to do whatever they want, at whatever cost. Corporations will help run state laws, national laws as they have done under ALEC. Corporations are people so they can deny healthcare to employees, rights to employees and buy elections. 23) The Supreme Court will continue to rule without resitriction taking away rights of people-women, LGBTQ, workers, inmates, arrested, protestors, school children, everyday people. 24) The Consitutition while revered, it should not be followed-States should nullify federal laws, President can change election laws, President is more important than the people-See Trump. Religion is the most important right over speech, assembly. We have a national religion. The Supreme Court ignores Constitituion today, Republicans ignore Constitution today as they work on Big Lie, Deep State, make up new rules-originalism, Corporations are people, money is speech, privacy is not a right, elastic clause does not matter. I think I can go one with more. But realize if Republicans win in 2022, people will lose rights. The country will be more divided, more filled with hate. Repubicans will feel emboldened with a mandate-we voted for them, so they can do what they want. Remember they will win with 30-40% of the vote. This will be terrible. The media will say it is a mandate, Republcans can do what they want. Do not let this happen. Vote. Talk to others. Vote, get people to polls. Republicans do not stand for you or the majority of the public. They stand for "Christians", billionaires, and their own Trump Party. This is scary. The more I hear today about the Republicans, the more scared I am. Please vote. Please talk to others. I do not care you think Biden is Old. Biden is too liberal. The Fascists are ready to take over. Be scared of the Authoritarian, Fascists not make believe socialists. Please. Vote. Please watch and learn. Please VOTE 2022.

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