Monday, May 2, 2011

Thoughts on the Killing of Bin Laden

Watching last night, I was struck by the young people cheering for the death of Bin Laden. While I am happy he was killed an a chapter is now over in our war with terrorism, this action can come with consequences. Bin Laden was the target, the symbol, the master mind of terrorism in our world. He was an enemy of the US and needed to be captured. In a perfect world I would want bin Laden put to trial and in jail as an example to the world showing we care about human rights, do not torture, do not put aside our values and ideals of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. I worry about the attacks to come. I worry about new terrorists signing up since he has died. What would young people in the Middle East say when they see the pictures of our young cheering and yelling, celebrating his death? We have started two wars and killed thousands of people. War is wrong. Killing one person is wrong but in this case it is better than starting another war? Do we now target world leaders? Do our enemies target our President? Lots of uncertainty to come. Lots of warnings and terror alerts. I salute those that did this job-it was precision. From a liberal point of view, Obama can move past the Carter analogy. He can be seen as decisive, action oreinted. He said he would do this action to get Bin Laden. It is over. We now wait. Relax and ponder. Think about our actions. I want our country to be the best it can be.

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