Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Change to Believe in-Promises by Obama

President Obama needs to be re-elected for a second term. He has had so many successes and can do more with a really Democratic Congress. Not just 60 in the Senate-the 60 need to be liberal and not conservative members. Republicans have to go. Here are the facts about his presidency. From Politifact The Obameter Scorecard: Promise Kept 159 Compromise 49 Promise Broken 56 Stalled 66 In the Works 176 Not yet rated 2 Here are major accomplishments for President Obama RECOVERY ACT AFFORDABLE CARE ACT WALL STREET REFORM ENDING COMBAT OPERATIONS IN IRAQ NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS CREDIT CARD REFORM FAIR PAY FOR WOMEN REFORMING STUDENT LENDING REPEALING DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL KILLING OSAMA BIN LADIN LIBYAN WAR-WITHOUT LOSING A SOLDIER-HELPING THE REVOLUTION Without Republican help payroll tax decreases, extending unemployment insurance and keeping the needed social net. Keeping Medicare, Social Security as a part of American society. Stopping the tide of privitization. We need the Democrats and Obama for a second term.

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