Friday, December 23, 2011

Save the Post Office

The US Post Office needs help. We need to help it by signing petitions to not close any more offices. The post office is part of our history. The post office helped build this country. It kept our country together and communicating. Small offices in small towns helped create our identity. Small offices were a meeting place and place to gather. The post office creates jobs and it is the second largest employer in US. The jobs are good paying and the workers do a good job. The mail gets delivered by mule, parachute, boat, car and plane. The Post office is not designed to make money but to deliver the mail. FEDEX and UPS use the Post Office when they do not deliver to an area. The cost is cheap and it helps our country. Go to the website, sign the petition. Save our Post Office.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Learn from the Win

Democrats need to learn from the Payroll tax holiday. The Democrats need to stand their ground on issues and force the Republicans to play ball. Many of the issues: health care, taxes, jobs, unemployment, social security, medicare are all winning issues for Democrats. The Tea Party wants to get rid of unemployment and social security. The reason they were against extending the payroll holiday is that they want to see these programs die. The people need to know their views. People need to see these politicans and what they stand for-the 1%. Democrats can change the discussion and can win the issues. The President has to go on the attack, force his views and let public support deal with the Republicans. Good job this week. Love seeing the Republicans cave in and be on the wrong side again.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Change to Believe in-Promises by Obama

President Obama needs to be re-elected for a second term. He has had so many successes and can do more with a really Democratic Congress. Not just 60 in the Senate-the 60 need to be liberal and not conservative members. Republicans have to go. Here are the facts about his presidency. From Politifact The Obameter Scorecard: Promise Kept 159 Compromise 49 Promise Broken 56 Stalled 66 In the Works 176 Not yet rated 2 Here are major accomplishments for President Obama RECOVERY ACT AFFORDABLE CARE ACT WALL STREET REFORM ENDING COMBAT OPERATIONS IN IRAQ NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS CREDIT CARD REFORM FAIR PAY FOR WOMEN REFORMING STUDENT LENDING REPEALING DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL KILLING OSAMA BIN LADIN LIBYAN WAR-WITHOUT LOSING A SOLDIER-HELPING THE REVOLUTION Without Republican help payroll tax decreases, extending unemployment insurance and keeping the needed social net. Keeping Medicare, Social Security as a part of American society. Stopping the tide of privitization. We need the Democrats and Obama for a second term.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bush versus Obama

I keep reading the President Obama is the worst President in History by Tea Party members, Republicans and the lot. From Congressman Quale to others, they say President Obama is the worst. I have liberal friends that say President Bush is the worst. I am just going to compare the two on two issues. Think for your self. President Bush states he was a war time President and with 9/11 the two biggest items for him was the War on Terror with Bin Ladin and the Iraq War. How to take down a dictator? Forget the reasons for war? Create a democracy or fight for oil, fight because a hit on your dad or any reason. Iraq versus Libya? The Iraq War was over 8 years long with 4500 US troops killed and over 30,000 wounded. Iraqi killed over 110,000. Cost of war in dollars $800 Billion. Now we have other costs of health care and unemployment of vets and other types of costs-world view of US, increase in number of terrorists against the US. Libya, $10 B spend, 7 months long and not one US death or wounded. We were in the background of a NATO/UN coalition that was a mission to protect citizens and help the anti Government forces. George Bush had 7 years to get Osama Bin Ladin and at one time was close in grasp but he escapted. After 2003, the President no longer cared about the number one terrorist. President Obama in less than 3 years killed the terrorist in a surprise raid in Pakistan. How in the world with these two facts can President Obama be worse than Bush? Costs of war and effects. Two hugh wins for Obama. How can one of these wins make him the worst President in history. The worst has no wins and these were major.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Should Democrats support Libertarians and Ron Paul?

Ron Paul is doing well and could win Iowa. I see bloggers and posts saying he is fantastic. He is great and that Democrats should support him. I do agree with Ron Paul on the wars and losing constitutional rights. We never should have fought the Iraq War or Afghanistan war. I am against all wars and do not see any good in them. He is against waterboarding, torture, the Patriot Act and our loss of fourth and fifth amendment rights. So, that is good. His view on Civil Rights, minority rights, worker rights and the economy are horrible. We would be going back to 1800's with no laws or rules. No Medicare, No Medicaid, No public schools, No Social Security, No Civil Rights laws at all, No Child Labor Laws. I cannot see any way these ideas are sound. The government does not regulate the economy but markets do. His world view is so off the path and wrong. There is no historical evidence that free markets self regulate since we have market concentration not competition. He is not for breaking up companies so there cannot be competition. He said that we need to get rid of FEMA and that people can help their neighbors. He is so out of touch. People are working 2 and 3 jobs to survive. We can't breathe let along build someone a house. I know Americans do help each other but as a policy, no government and let people do it. We can't afford to lose a days work or we will get fired. Free makrets had slavery and still do in parts of the world. Free markets exploit workers and people and without government regulations, people suffer, incomes decrease and people cannot survive. Ron Paul is not even close to an answer. He still talks and is a member of the John Birch society. That is where he belongs on the right fringe and away.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Walmart Heirs Have The Same Net Worth As The Bottom 30 Percent Of Americans

The Walmart Heirs Have The Same Net Worth As The Bottom 30 Percent Of Americans: pIncome inequality in the U.S. is currently the highest its been since the 1920s, with the 400 richest Americans (who are all billionaires) having as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent of Americans combined. And as it turns out, just one wealthy family has managed to amass a fortune equal to that of the [...]/p

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Between 2008 And 2010, 30 Big Corporations Spent More Lobbying Washington Than They Paid In Income Taxes

Between 2008 And 2010, 30 Big Corporations Spent More Lobbying Washington Than They Paid In Income Taxes: pToday, thousands of 99 Percenters will march on K Street in Washington, D.C. as a part of an action called “Take Back The Capitol,” taking aim at the lobbying firms that corporate interests use to influence the federal government. A report released this month by Public Campaign demonstrates just how important it is for Americans [...]/p

Monday, December 5, 2011

Department Of Justice Says No One ‘Lacks Confidence’ In Its Ability To Prosecute Financial Crime

Department Of Justice Says No One ‘Lacks Confidence’ In Its Ability To Prosecute Financial Crime: pLast night, 60 Minutes aired an investigation into the epidemic of financial fraud by big banks and other Wall Street institutions that engaged in practices that helped cause the Great Recession. The show probed the abuses at Countrywide Financial, which engaged in widespread lending fraud, persecuting whisteblowers and enriching its own executives at the expense [...]/p