Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Protect our Jobs

We need regulations from the government to protect our jobs. This means government needs to support workers complaints against companies that cut overtime from paychecks, make people work off the clock, people's hours getting cuts. When Walmart, McDonalds and other companies have their employees on State Health Insurance plans, the companies should be charged the cost. Companies that threaten employees their job if they complain or want to unionize should be fined where it hurts. We need government to support 40 hour work weeks, benefits and worker rights. We need government to support US workers and bring jobs home. We need regulations so companies do not send jobs overseas. Apple products can be made in the US. A great idea is to have every price tag list the price and company cost. We need transparency to see the profit margins of the companies. Workers need support. People need support. We can't go back. We need to have good jobs, good pay and good benefits. I am scared that colllege graduates will only have retail or food jobs.

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