Thoughts on politics, government, elections and current events. Ideas to bring in conversation and discussion.
Friday, August 2, 2019
If you vote for Trump you are RACIST
Donald Trump is a racist. There is no doubt. From birtherism, to to undue everything Obama did. To the Central Park Five, to lawsuits on his rental properties, to his attacks on blacks and people of color. Racists know Trump is racist. Racists hear his words, his calls his talking points. Donald Trump is a racist. There is no doubt. The African American community know he is racist. Latino's know he is racist. The only people who are not sure are racist white americans. I hear many people from Manassas, on Facebook that are from the South-they are Trump supporters but not racist? Really? They support confederate monuments? Racist! They support the Civil War was fought over States Rights-racist!! Support Robert E Lee-racist. If you support Trump, you are a racist. His policies hurt people of color. His talk and his vocabulary are against people of color!! The Wall is racist. His tax cuts are racist and hurt people of color. Getting rid of Obamacare hurt people of color. Now his policies do hurt his own supporters and his policies hurt middle class they are race based. He hates blacks. He hates NBA, NFL and all people of color. His supporters might be ignorming his racist language that the ignoring is supporting his racism. If you ignore his language or if you ignore his tweets, you are supporting racist beliefs. You are supporing racism. You are a racist. I am sorry, if you support Trump today you are a racist. There is no separating his tweets, his talk his speech from your racism. You support his racism. You are a racist. Deal with it. Let's stop racism NOW. Whites need to wake up. Stop racism NOW. Stop Trummp NOW
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Stop with the Democrats are too Far Left
The media is constantly promoting that the Progessive wing of Democrat Party is too far left. They keep saying too left and cannot connect with voters. Democrats will lose if they move to far left. This is just wrong. 1) First I don't hear the Republican party is too far right. They are extreme in fasism. They separate families, promote racist policies, take away health care, ban gay, lesbian rights and not a peep. Ronald Reagan would not be a Republican today and I hear nothing about how far right they have gone. The Republicans are fascist, giving all tax breaks and money to corporations, billionaires and hurt the middle class and nothing. 2) Democrats are doing things to help people. Help with college funding, student loans and aid, helping with health care and doctors, helping with income, helping with wages, helping with equality. Why is this too far left? $15 minimum wage is very popular, infrastructure spending is very popular, pre-existing condition rules, expanding health care is very popular. Free community college has been started in Republican Tennessee. I keep hearing this country is center right-false, Liberal policies are very popular and have support. 3) Bernie, Elizabeth are not as liberal as Eisenhower or Roosevelt. They do not believe in Roosevelts Economic Bill or Rights or public ownership of industry. Break up banks not own the banks. Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to millions of undocumented immigrants. Reagan gave speeches for 50% tax on wealthy and the wealthy paying their fair share. Immigrants important to this country. We are not too far left and most left policies are supported by the people. Democrats needs to voice their support and challenge the Right and Media with false ideas. Healthcare over a wall. Infrastructure over deporting or separating families. Help with college over private prisons. $15 minimum wage over tax cuts for millionaires. Climate change or Green New Deal over Defense spending or ICE money. Tax cuts do not spur the economy. Deregulation is a farce and hurts the environment, hurts people, hurts workers. Stop the lies and the conservative talking points. The Debt/deficit is not an issue-do not let Conservatives give a $1.5 Trillion tax cut and then worry about deficits. They spend money and expect Democrats to pay for bills or pay for spending. Fight for our values. Call out the hypocrisy. Call out the racism, fascism. Help the Middle class, help the workers, help the people.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Hypocricy is abundant and so wrong
I am so tired on people only siding with their team. If a Democrat does this it is ok, if a Republican does it, it is fine. No, What is right is right. If you believe the national debt is a problem, that goes for Donald Trump and not just a Democratic president. If a supreme court nominee is not allowed a vote during an election year by Republicans, they must do the same when Donald Trump has a nominee in year 4. IF it is a crime for Hillary to delete emails (it was found not a crime for what she did), then it is a crime for Jared, Ivanka or whoever. Debt or deficit? It used to be important for Republicans, now they ignore Trumps tax cut and its effects. We must keep the truth to both sides. If it is bad for one side, it is bad for the other side. We must be consistent. We are all Americans. I might disagree with you but I need to keep everything consistent. Consistent in laws, consistent in rules, consistent in politics and media. Wrong is wrong no matter my team or side. Right is right, no matter my team or my side. Right now, Republicans are losing this issue. It is one reason I left the Republican Party. They care about Party over Country. It is all team based. Hypocricy knows no bounds. We need to judge all sides by same rules-it is call Constitution. It is called rule of law.
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