Wednesday, March 29, 2023

When will we take to the streets?

We know our politicans will not listen to the people. We vote, we go to meetings, we call our represetatives. We write letters, we complain. 88% of all American favor background checks on all gun sales. 77% of Americans favor family initiated red flag laws and 70% of Americans favor red flag laws initiated by police and law enforcement. Most Americans agree we do not want to live with school shootings. Americans believe something must be done. We are in agreement. Our solutions can be different but the goal is the same. School shootings are not to be a new normal, just a regular day. We, teachers, students, staff, faculty, parents, family, friends, are frustrated with nothing being done to solve or work on this issue. We know politicans will do nothing more than thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers solve nothing. We need to do something. We need to force politicans to act. We, the people, need to act. Letters, phone calls, meetings, voting or the usual tactics do not work. Nothing got done after Sandy Hook-this is proof the politicans are not going to do anything, ever, unless forced to do so. We have had protests before. We had the Women's March on Saturdays, protests on Sunday. The time is to shut the country down. It is time for all schools to close. Business in support to close. It is time to shut down airports and travel, time to stop business, traffic and get attention. A general strike. A day, two, three where we stop and make politicans take notice. Americans are frustrated, angry, upset. School shootings are not right-good or normal. They did not happen in my school years-1967-1979. They did not happen in the 1980's. Even with Columbine in 1990's they were not normal. Today, this is a common event. People MUST act! People must take to streets on work day. Students, teachers, staff not for pay or benefits but for our student's life. Not for economics but for life. It starts in school because the shootings are in schools, but they grow. Whoever supports the cause, takes time off. Who ever supports life and students strikes, stops for a day. One day can lead to another until politicans change their ways. Until politicans make changes. When are you tired? When is enough? We must begin!! We must take to the streets. We must have a general strike, for life. Support life, support schools, teachers and your children. Lockdown drills need to become a thing of the past. Strike and show the politicans we are angry, mad and not going to take it anymore!! Strike. Pick a day. Pick a week. School ends in May for many. Pick a time. Be heard. Strike. Join, ask and be heard. Taking it to the streets. Are you there yet?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Case for Public Education

Public education is the cornerstone of modern societies, providing individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to participate fully in the social, economic, and political life of their communities. There are several key arguments in favor of public education: Equity: Public education provides access to educational opportunities regardless of one's background, income, or family circumstances. This helps to create a more level playing field, giving all children a fair chance to succeed. Social Mobility: Education is a powerful tool for upward social mobility, enabling individuals to escape poverty and achieve greater financial stability. Civic Engagement: A strong public education system is essential for fostering informed, engaged, and active citizens who are capable of participating in the democratic process and making informed decisions. National Unity: Public education helps to promote a common national identity, shared values, and a sense of belonging among citizens. Economic Growth: A well-educated population is critical to a strong and vibrant economy, driving innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. Public education plays a critical role in ensuring that all individuals have access to the opportunities they need to reach their full potential and contribute to the well-being of their communities.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Supreme Court Checks

The US has a minority, rogue, Supreme Court that is setting an agenda against the will of the people. Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 78, said the judicial branch and Supreme Court was the weakest branch. It had only the "power of the pen" not the power of the purse or military. So do not be sad, do not worry, there are choices and ways to check the Supreme Court: 1) Constitutional amendment-hard to do-even Flag burning amendment failed after Texas v Johnson. Requires 2/3 vote of Congress and 3/4 of State legilatures or conventions. Won't happen on this any recent court decisions recently. 2) Impeachment-House can do-Cases can be made for Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavannaugh and Comey Barrett. Har to prove lying and need 2/3 of Senate-67 votes, will not happen. 3) Increase size of court. Last time was changed was to 9, 9 circuit courts, 9 justices. The theme today is 13 circuit courts, 13 justices. Requires 60 votes to stop fillibuster in Senate. House can approve, Senate will not. 4) Congress cannot change salary of existing justices but Congress can change funding for staff, administration. Hurts all sides and not effective with change. 5) Congress can pass a law for example codifying Roe. or changing Civil Rights. Can require 60 votes in Senate, House will pass. Issue is Supreme Court could strike down law, change law. 6) Congress can add courts, another level. Congress can add administrative courts. Cobgress can take away courts, change districts, change circuit courts. Congress created lower courts, they can abolish or change them. House can pass, Senate needs 60 votes. President and States do not have to enforce the laws. Maine does not have to do what Supreme Court said and give taxpayer money to private schools. Federal Government does not have to obey WVA v EPA ruling and just enforce as they want. The President and States enforce laws, the Supreme Court has no power here. See Brown, the President sent troops to enforce. If he did not, the States win. See Jackson in the Trail of Tears case, he ignored the Supreme Court decision. 7) Congress can change jurisdication for the appellate cases the Supreme Court case hears. For every law, Congress passes, they can add a section, Supreme Court cannnot decide this case. You can do this for any law. In article 3, section 2, the exceptions for appellate jurisdiction is up to Congress. Congress can codify Abortion, Health care, Voting right and then state Supreme Court has no jurisdiction-it is in the Constituion. It has been done in the past. Best solution. Now all of the problems in passing laws are in the Senate. The fillibuster is not in the Constitution. It is there for Southern Democrats against removing Jim Crow laws or slavery,. I do suggest getting rid of the fillibuster. I live in AZ and the House and Senate is evenly splet but Republicans have slight majority. They are passing draconian measures but they have one seat lead in Senate and can do-no fillibuster. This is normal in most states. The Senate can end the fillibuster forever or based on a concept-voting rights, womens rights, abortion, gay rights. An exception for one vote can be done. If the Sentate votes on any bill, it must RESTRICT the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court-even revenue bills. Any bill. The Supreme Court would get rid of Social Security, all agencies, womens rights, gay rights and maybe even Federal Reserve, banking, commerce laws. They want to go back to 1800s, so any law passed must have this-Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to review. It is in the Constitution in Artilce 3-no denying this. It must be followed. Any Republican Congress can do the same, but it is a solution to codifying Roe, Obamacare, Civil rights, voting rights. It is best way.How to pass it? End the fillibuster. End Fillibuster now. End minority rule. It is minority rights, majority rule.

Friday, July 1, 2022

History of Supreme Court-Mostly conservative activism

All I hear from Conservatives is that the Supreme Court is so liberal and has been so liberal for so many years. Liberals use Judicial activsm. Judicial activism is a dirty word. Looking at the Constitution today and not as the founders wanted is frowned upon. Well, looking at history, we have ONLY had 30 years of a liberal to semi liberal court-: 1955 to 1985. The rest of the time, we have had Conservative justices and conservative activsm. In the 1800's, the Marshall Court-would not say liberal but established Judicial Review and power of the Courts. We have Marbury v Madison and McCulloch v Maryland which basically state we have judicial review and implied powers. Important, crticial cases but non controversial.In Worchester v GA, Supreme Court struck down GA law infringing on Nativa American rights and the court followed US treaty law-not liberal, but conservative holding up US laws/treaties. PS Andrew Jackson did not enforce ruling and let Trail of Tears happen-said the Supreme Court could enforce their own laws-which they can't. Later, we got Dred Scott and allowing slavery, Corporations got individual rights using the 14th Amendment by our Conservative courts and Plessy v Ferguson and upholding Jim Crow laws. Chinese Exclusion laws allowed. The Courts helped business and the rich, did not make any cases helping people. Many decisions seen as activist and conservative In the early 20th century, the Supreme Court allowed Child Labor, ruled against state laws for pay requirements and hours or economic cases. Workers lost all cases during this time. We get Schneck v US, Gitlow v NY which allow restrictions on speech and government restrictions in war time. We get Buck ve Bell with disallowing people with low IQ having children-ps this is still in force. Always ranked one of worst cases decided ever. 1930's we got the Supreme Court upholding Roosevelt's New Deal as it applies to commerce clause and taxing clause and implied powers. These were conservative jusdges but these laws could be overturned by the current court as they do not believe in precedent, commerce clause and implied powers. This court did give us Korematsu and other cases limiting Japanese American Rights, limiting African American Rights. What did the Liberal Courts give US: Desegregation of Schools with Brown v Board of Education, school prayer removed withe Engel v Vitale, Miranda Rights, Right to an Attorney paid by States in Gideon, Brandenburg V Ohio and speech rights as long as it does not cause a riot or immenent harm, Right to Privacy in Griswold, Right to interracial Marriage in Loving and womens rights in pay, equality in multiple cases in the 1970's won by Ruth Bader Ginsberg. THe Court turned right in 1980 under Reinquist but we did have some cases that helped liberals-Texas v Johnson and flag burning was allowed, Roe V Wade was upheld but States were allowed to put restrictions with the Casey v Planned Parenthood, Restrictions of school rights in Bethel v Fraser, Veronia Schools. The Court got more conservative in 1990's and 2000s. Rights in schools were removed or limited again in New Jersey v TLO, Gay Rights were expanded by 5-4 majorities with Bowers v Hardwick overturned and Obgerfell and Windsor allowing gay marriage. The Supreme Court decided a Presidential election in 2000. The Court allowed torture and restricting Writ of Habeas Corpus rights and taking away rights of privacy upholding the Patriot Act. The court restricted abortion and upheld state restrictions. The Conservative Court has changed the meaning of the second amendment and giving people an individual right to own a gun-activism breaking 200 years of precedent. They gave Corporation more rights-right to speech with Citizens United and Religious rights with Hobby Lobby. They have reduced Roe v Wade, limited Voting Rights-Shelby states there is no more discrimination in the US, allowing poll taxes and voter restrictions, the court has limited criminal rights with Miranda and helping police. Overall the Conservative Courts have allowed slavery, Jim Crow laws and laws upholding discrimination against Blacks, workers and women. Conservative courts have given Corporation Rights with religion and speech, have given the right to own guns-including owning almost all guns plus removing safety concerns or public safety laws by State. Conservative courts have gone againts Voting Rights, victims rights and allowing relgion and prayer in schools. Conservative courts are helping to dismantel public education with private edudation. Conservative courts are going against precedent with government regulations in the Executive Branh. Conservative justices are just as or even more activist than liberal courts and judges. Conservative justices do not have a problem contracting themselves, using originalism, precedent, restraint and making up rules and laws. The Conservatives do not use the Federalist Papers or text of the Constitution-or they selectivly pick parts not the entire document. Corporations are people? really? Money is speech? Really? 14th amendment applies to Corporations?Really? Discrimination in US does not exist? Really? Separation of Church and state does not exist? Really, if no, what does the First amendment say? If No, the Court is ready to let States have a state religion? The Conservative justices are ruling on their politics and beliefs. They are contracting themselves in rulings in one week. They are forgetting the Constittuion. his is activism! This is the Supreme Court run amok. We have had 216 years of Conservative rulings-mostly bad and terrible and 30 years of Liberal rulings. Which ones do you like? prefer: In no set order or reaons-just liberal and conservative: Dred Scott v Sanford or Brown v Board of Ed? Plessy v Ferguson or Gideon v Wainright Buck v Bell or Griswold v CT? Korematsu v US or Miranda v AZ Bush v Gore or Loving v VA? Citizens United or Tinerk v Des Moines SUSD Lochner v NY or Obgerfell v Hodges? Schneck v US or Baker v Carr Miller v US or DC v Heller? There are more bad cases than good cases. The Supreme Court has got more wrong than right. We are losing trust for a reason. It is a political instittuion now. Not due to leaks but poor law, poor decisions, poor reasoning, poor background, poor politics. We get what we sow. The 2016 election has consequences and we will have them for 50 or more years. But realize, the Court has mostly been conservative. Rule by white males-conservative and not using the law. I am scared of the future. I am scared of the next term. What will the court do or undo? What precedent will they overturn?

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Republicans want to END Public Education; Admit it!!

I want Republicans to just admit they want to defund and end public education. They are supporting vouchers, giving public money to private schools, religious schools. You hear choice! What choice means is charter schools, private schools and religious schools have the choice to take your child. If a smart, promising child, they take them. If not, go to public education. That is the state of education now. Less and less money is going to public education. Private schools, charter schools have no accountability. Teachers and schools have no accountability on scores, results or uses of money. The State of Arizona has been a proponent of choice and charter schools since the 1990's. We have so many charter schools and based on choice and the charter schools, AZ should be increasing in results. We have declined and gone to the bottom and there are stores in AZ Republic of misue of funds, politicans benefiting from charter school laws and funding. This whole situation is corrupt. Finland has been ranked at the top of Education ranking for years. Things they do: 1) no private education is funded and very few allowed 2) Masters and teacher training program as teachers make more than or the same as Doctors, 3) No homework, 4) play and fun in learning plus more. Republicans are promoting Homeschooling and anyone can be a teacher. Republicans are removing unions in Education and tenure which protects me to actually teach about the Constitution, 3/5 compromise, 2nd Amendment original intent, and slavery, and religion. Getting rid of tenure means I can be fired for a bumper sticker (happened in Glendale in AZ in 2012) or teaching current events or January 6 or about Donald Trump!. Republicans really do not want or like public education. Russ Limbaugh has said many times and I see posts today how Public Education is radical, we indoctrinate students and promote gayness, trans students and communism. Private schools and charter schools run by corporations is the Republican solution. They want to reduce taxes, have no money and reduce funding in education. It is nationwide. I wish more were honest and say the truth. These policies are there to hurt public education. You hear a few state this but the dog whisltes are there-choice, competition, vouchers are all ways to negate public education and hurt public schools. The Republican party goal is to privitize education or make it so awful, we get rid of it. Do you agree with this? Yes education has issues. Yes it can be better. We do have waste and we do have issues. I love my job and I believe my school teaches and students learn. Students learn the curriculum and do well on tests that the State requires. My students learn and remember. Even with the hardships-no textbooks, less funding, holes in ceilings, poor maintenance, students are still learning and doing well. Keep public education and support public education. Support all students. Reduce vouchers. We can come up with funding issues, we can come up with improvements but giving money and support to private or relgious or charter schools are not the answer. Support the youth! Support education!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

FoRequirements for Pro Life States and Lawmakers

Right now we have seen Roe v Wade overturned. This is what the Federal Government and people in these States should demand. All States that outlaw abortion must agree to these to actually use the terms PRO LIFE. Pro life includes after birth. 1) Expand Medicaid to include people of poverty. Most people who would be denied abortions are the poor-so you have to pay for their healthcare, birth to 18-no exceptions 2) Add parental leave to parents in these states-required and paid for by the States 3) Increase funding for education. Increase funding in low income, city and diversde places.If you are forcing birth, you need to pay for the education. 4) Increase funding for school lunch programs 5) Increase access and funding for health care-espcially funding for birth and health of children after born. If you are forcing birth, you need to pay for it. 6) Increase funding for food stamps, welfare and funding for poor-if you are requiring a birth, you need to pay for it. 7) Raise minimum wage, especially for women who are single motthers 8) Increase funding and support for Foster care. Make sure all Foster parents are qualified and can support children. Increase funding and support children 9) Increase funding for adoption agencies-give them money to find and support children. 10) Increase funding for mental health for children that are adopted, born out of wedlock, forced birth 11) Increase the penalty for rape to be more than an abortion 12) Require men to pay child support-make sure it is a minimum of $400 per month or more-depending on the state-men MUST pay for the choldren not matter if women remarry or have other support. The father must pay their support until 18. 13) Require any birth that is forced, the man's health insurance is responsible. 14) If a woman dies from illegal abortion or her life is hurt, the man is legally liable and responsible for that death or health issue. 15) No lawmaker, no justice nor their family can obtain an abortion in a State where it is legal-they must follow their state laws and obtain the punishment a woman would receive. 16) Death penalty abolished, especially in cases where child is born of out of wedlock, forced birth or unwanted pregnancy. For all of these, the States must raise taxes or pay out of pocket. They cannot reduce services to the poor, to women to other services. If these States are pro life, they must support and pay for all life, no issues. Taxes should be raised. These can change and more can be added. States that are pro life must support the lives that they forced. They need to support women rights, children's rights and the poor. Any State that requires forced birth and outlaws contraception or abortion, MUST be required to do these things. The Federal government can do this. They can require this. See if these States are hypocrits? Are they just pro fetus? Are they really pro life? Pro children?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Originalism and Court Decisions

We will read about the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade very soon in the Dobbs case. From the Oxford Dictionary!! o·rig·i·nal·ism noun a type of judicial interpretation of a constitution (especially the US Constitution) that aims to follow how it would have been understood or was intended to be understood at the time it was written. the principle or belief that a text should be interpreted in a way consistent with how it would have been understood or was intended to be understood at the time it was written. noun: originalism So the 9th Amendement per James Madison, the Father of the Constitution and writer of the Bill of Rights: The Ninth Amendment was James Madison’s attempt to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not seen as granting to the people of the United States only the specific rights it addressed. In recent years, some have interpreted it as affirming the existence of such “unenumerated” rights outside those expressly protected by the Bill of Rights. The Original text of the 2nd Amendment: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person,” Original text of Fist amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Justice Alito and the Conservatives are doing Judical Activism on Steriods. They are rewriting the Constitituion. This is what a liberal court would do, but NOT conservatives, right? Questions for Conservative Justices: Alito, Thomas, Kavannah, Comey Barret and Goruch: 1) What rights are in the 9th amendment? If not privacy what? Are there any rights in the 9th? Do tell? 2) Regulated is in the 2nd amendment-what regulations are ok? It is the only amendment with the word regulation, but you are striking down regulations? Why? Look at original draft and all cases up until Heller 2008-it was about Militia not individual right-you MADE THIS UP. See above, Madison gave religious exception due to it was for service not right to carry gun. 3) What is speech? money? MADE UP!, Corporations are people-MADE UP, symbolic speech--MADE UP 4) What is orginalism? Blacks have no rights? Women no rights? only white males with property-please explain your theory in detail as it is NOT in the FEDERALIST PAPERS!!!! 5) If you lie under oath, should you JUSTICES be prosecuted or are you immune? 6) What does precedent mean to you? You can break it but no one else? 7) Why can you make a decision on a case when you have a conflict of interest? Why does the judge himself/herself decide? A conflict undermines the Court, but you do not care? 8) Why is Roe v Wade originalism but DC v Heller not? Or Citizens United not? I am confused by your terms and reasoning. 9) While the leaked transcript says the Dobbs decision is only about abortion, why do we believe you? Senators and Representatives want to overturn Griswold, Loving, Obergefell, Windsor? SO why do we believe you it is only Roe? Your reasoning brings them all down? Originalism-brings them all down. 10) Be honest, you are political hacks who are not looking at the law or Constitution. You are supporting your belief and ideas-like maybe a liberal judge would do-look at things today-what this means today? We are disgressing and going back to the 1840s. Thank you Trump, thank you Supreme Court. Hope there is no violence. But you started this, you wanted this. Minority rule, Minority decisions. Brutus was right on so many levels. Good luck